I guess it was because the price of eggs was practically a campaigning slogan shared a lot around trump supporters.
I guess it was because the price of eggs was practically a campaigning slogan shared a lot around trump supporters.
All you need is some recipes and enough bother to try something new.
Same in NL most (all?) banks here have an app that lets you transfer money near instantly, create payment requests, execute payments for online orders by scanning a code, etc. It’s great I think.
Have you seen the average gamer responses lately? The needle for woke has now moved to female protagonist = woke unless she’s shaped like an anime girl anyway
But they’re the real God fearing, loving, turn the other cheek christians, don’t you know?
Think this is from Lemmy anyway
With 117 I can only do chief, sorry.
Me in 2016:
Halo CE, BF2 and WoW
They said in-app browser I imagine they’re on mobile
Its got faults but it’s currently where the big batch of users seems to be going and since some of my interests are pretty narrow that means a lot more to read and see in those interests (or it exists at all). That’s kinda hard to ignore tbh. Its not right wing infested and I’ve already got elon, musk, trump and a bunch of other stuff auto filtered.
If the egg hatches successfully who are we to judge 🤷
Its certainly interesting to see xpacks so many years later just like with AoE 2. As for diablo well yeah I don’t think it’ll happen either but with LE, PoE (2), TQ AE/2 and GD there’s enough ARPG goodness out there right now I think.
After the original Immortal throne they added three expansions for the anniversary edition yes. Atlantis, Ragnarok and burning embers
Titan quest AE with the newer expansions.
Probably going to check out the new no man’s sky expedition they’re usually fun for a short while.
Waiting and hoping DA: veilguard will be good.
Waiting for stalker 2 after that.
I’ve actually seen more parties start in the afternoon or just after dinner here. I’m not even a morning person per se but I also don’t want to be home at 8am. I applaud it.
Chernobyl still is one of the best shows I’ve ever watched. Not a documentary but it doesn’t try to be. It tries to be good historical drama and it is. Very gripping.
Brother it’s time to join us in the drum and bass camp
The difference in control for a game made for two generations ago isn’t massive but from what I saw between 25-33% on 4070 depending on resolution and other settings ofc