I always wear a suit before I prompt, Americans love that stuff
I always wear a suit before I prompt, Americans love that stuff
So no night shift bonus until contract is renegotiated…?
That bug has a voice when I read it in my head, and it is creepy as hell
Its actually a stone
Sounds cool, So, but I wouldn’t be able to find Codeberg Repos.?
But is there also a standard for build pipelines?
What is really needed is a fediverse for git repos
Saint Luigi, the revenger of unethical healthcare practices 🙏📿
I would love to see exactly the elon posts that got banned, because that’s when you know you struck gold
What is homepod? Like Amazon Alexa?
Please go to another country and experience the exact opposite. In South Africa the EFF political party publicly chants to kill all white people.
“I will only be offended if a white person says the n-word” - so you are an absolute racist…
Well it is not racisme it is just prejudice, so it is ok…
So a white Zimbabwean can say the most vile racist slurs against black people because white people were oppressed in Zimbabwe…
Interesting paradigme…
But the problem is that the internet is not one country with one history.
Peter Thiel has new Zealand citizenship, so you should be safe there. He would never allow his bunker to get jeopardized