On the reverse side I told a bunch of people on Furcadia that 2 airplanes had just hit the twin towers.
Do not Google Furcadia on your work PC.
On the reverse side I told a bunch of people on Furcadia that 2 airplanes had just hit the twin towers.
Do not Google Furcadia on your work PC.
My weird “paranormal” quirk is knowing when someone is sick by smell. My nose is usually blocked up and I can barely smell flowers but for some reason I can just tell when someone is incubating some sickness that will make them bedridden the next day.
No idea how it works. I just smell “sick” - it’s kind of this warm earthy ground smell. I can even smell it on myself sometimes and I’ll know I need to take a day off tomorrow. My theory is I can smell something off in the skin temperature.
Why is everyone suggesting ventoy and stuff and no one is telling you to just reformat drives you no longer need? Or are they all live OSs in use? Am I missing something?
When I lived in Germany I told this joke to a bunch of people.
Foreigners were either slightly offended (for the jab at germans) or found it chuckle worthy.
Germans couldn’t stop laughing.
You’re right, but they do lead the Gaza strip.
deleted by creator
Helsinki yes, Finland no.
Yep, Tampere :) never been to Turku but I’ve been meaning to.
Not all the time though, a lot of official things aren’t in Swedish or English. As someone who speaks much better Swedish than Finnish it’s hilarious that the native language listed in my medical file is Finnish with no chance of ever changing it (there just isn’t any other option). And this is in one of the top 3 cities.
I think it’s “Return to a life where you don’t get internal organs in your hair?”
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll definitely take a look at it and hopefully I’ll be able to drop onedrive if it all works out :)
I feel bad for saying this but I pay for onedrive because it was the best way to make a synchronised library of ebooks that I can use offline in my tablet.
Yes every other cloud storage solution was more expensive or outright didn’t support it for some god forsaken reason. Some needed you to manually press a download button. Google Drive needs you to manually set every file to available offline and even then it won’t work all the time.
Could you give an example on what your cover letter looks like or maybe some tips?