About 6 months. It even seems to be working for the sensitive skin person in the house.
About 6 months. It even seems to be working for the sensitive skin person in the house.
If you have space to store stuff buy bulk in things that don’t expire.
Make your own cleaners for some things. Vinegar, dawn soap, and rubbing alcohol are the base for most.
Boardwalk laundry detergent has been a great cost saver. You have to buy 40 lbs at a time, but it works great. We typically use half the recommended amount since it’s made for larger washers.
Watch for commercial products as sometimes this is the way to go for simple items that need to be durable.
I was surprised to see lemmy.world didn’t defederate. I hope it does. And, I hope a mod weighs in on the planned direction for the instance.
With is default blank admin password, ahh these were the days.
But windows ME, that’s where it was at!! /s
This is the spirit is what I’m after. It’s likely usually going to seem lopsided if I’m paying to have one meal delivered, but If in having a meal for a small group or the family with some leftovers expected, it likely seems more reasonable. The people doing the work shouldn’t be getting screwed, the business should get to cover cost and make a small profit, and the customer gets to make choices without having to do fee gymnastics for every different place with a sprinkle of guilt that you’re responsible to decide what to pay the workers via tip.
I expect food delivery to be kinda expensive, you’re usually saving me 30-45 min to go get it, wait for the order, and return.
Is it too much to ask that I might be able to just pay for this service? Sometimes I want or need food ordered. If it costs $20 to have it delivered, and pay the delivery person fairly, sometimes that’s worth the cost to me. I wish tips were an extra for “thanks for doing something above and beyond or awesome”. They shouldn’t need to be expected.
$1.99 convenience fee $4.25 app fee $3.99 delivery fee Oh, and don’t forget to tip your driver because none of this goes to them.
^^^^ this cap needs to stop. Just give me the $15-$20 delivery fee and be done with it.
Is it really that the truck shouldn’t exist, or that people shouldn’t drive them as an everyday vehicle? I mean they have a purpose, and it’s not getting beer and chips from the grocery store.
I’m good with the disapproval of the people that suck, but I feel like it’s getting directed incorrectly.
Thank you for this. I’ll definately check out Fedora’s KDE spin. I have used Kubuntu in the past, but it was back a bit and I got attached to Linux Mint.
A lot of negatives seem to come up around Oracle and Canonical being involved with SUSE and Ubuntu, but probably isn’t a huge deal in the greater picture.
Well, that won’t age well, or maybe it will…depending on your perspective!
Thanks, adding endeavor to the list to try out.
Very good point! I made an edit to attempt to better answer, but in reality, I don’t think I know exactly what I want. I’ve seen a lot of distros labeled as beginner-level, but I think that primarily means that there’s more capability around UI available to support configuration and package management. Am I limiting myself and what I can learn by staying where I am? Maybe I’m just in decision paralysis because I already could do ANYTHING what with I’ve got, I just need to figure out what I want to do.
Rumor has it, they want to be flexible and work with you on this pricing. < /end_joke>
It’s $0.24 per 1000 calls https://www.redditinc.com/blog/apifacts
How about you do you? If they’re going to judge or exclude you for drinking some cereal milk from the bowl, who needs those people anyway? Scan the room while you drink the cereal bowl milk and identify the small minded judging you and rule them out as individual unworthy or your consideration.
Be happy, enjoy life. Jump in puddles and sing!