very late response but you sold me on it.
Sent from my Unihertz Jelly Star.
very late response but you sold me on it.
Sent from my Unihertz Jelly Star.
we coulda had a bad bitch 😭
incorrect, “they” can be singular or plural. that’s not even a recent “woke mind virus” change to the language, it’s always been the case.
you literally did gender her immediately when you said “guy … his” the appropriate thing to do would be to respect the pronouns she put on her profile when they were pointed out to you.
this is an awesome story, thanks for sharing :)
eta: to degender your comment you could say “this person knows their junkies”
but being as you’ve been beaten over the head with the fact that the OP uses she/her pronouns that would also be misgendering her.
leaving it as using a masculine pronoun is rude at best and blatantly transphobic at worst. nobody thinks you were being actively harmful when you said it but not being willing to change it is toxic.
you’re not the hero here.
it is a choice.
and I make it.
you’re gay now
and all the coolest people play go 😎
huh neat, I didn’t know that was a thing! I’m tempted because I feel like I’d be less inclined to doomscroll on it, which seems like a feature rather than a bug.
it seems kinda thick though, do you think it’s more comfy in a pocket despite that?
what phone is that?
New York was one of the first states to bring back the death penalty so alongside it they made the definition of first degree murder very narrow. it includes killing a cop, murder for hire, and murder as an act of terrorism (they could probably technically argue for that one but I’d imagine theres clear precedent against it).
death penalty was abolished again in 2004
a quick Google turned up nothing useful, what is DDD Day?
not just trauma but also heart problems that require medication…
incredibly fucked up but the hospital getting a slap on the wrist is a good first step at least.
that’s 100gecs but it’s more like a year/minute lol
I am equal parts appreciative of unprompted cat tax and perturbed at light mode ide >:c
hahaha it’s gotten called “already dawn” or “after dawn” a lot because they shifted it from cool lighting (that looks like the middle of the night lit by moonlight) to warm lighting (that looks like evening or morning light) so I thought “night and day” was a nod to that. the graphical fidelity is a lot better, but it wasn’t even bad in the original and the mood shift caused by the lighting change seems very unbefitting of the story and it also seems like they’ve cut idle animations? which is an insane choice the characters seem so dull and lifeless without them
yeah I had been using Niagara on my pixel 6 but it’s a little too effective for me, my main desire with getting this phone was for it to be less of a distraction so I went with before launcher and set it to text only, no icons.
so far it’s been very good at doing what I need it to and then getting out of the way but I haven’t had it for a full week yet so I’m not fully decided on it.