Kagi keeps getting better and better.
ROFL 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 eat shit, Huang
“Ok, if I decide to do this, I’ll need an unlimited supply of Xena tapes and Hot Pockets.”
but this guy is obviously mid-60s to early-70s. you youngins will find out soon as age takes you, as it takes us all.
Some clients (at least Connect and Voyager on Android) have a user tagging feature, so I’ve been tagging people I see over and over or trolls, or whatever. It’s really handy to start to easily see who’s around and posting.
Just brought the tree in; it is thawing and unfurling at the moment, and smells so nice.
I’m in Western Canada. As an example, Tim Horton’s calls a regular coffee 1 cream and 1 sugar nationally.
But, I was only pointing this out because it’s funny considering the point the comic is trying to make.
A regular coffee is 1 cream and 1 sugar, so the sentence in the first panel is a command. He’s even pointing at the guy while he says it. The nasty racist then backtracks when he notices the barrista’s cold dead stare and realizes he is large enough to snap him in half.
I’m just joking around, but really the more I think about that first panel, the more it annoys me.
edit: I wasn’t seriously considering this a racist comic, but pointing out a widely used label and grammar will make the first panel hilariously ironic to many people.
Because I’m an OG and so is my OG HoTMaiL account.
Sobered up, got embarrassed 😅 but my comment is restored now. I broke my rule of not talking on the internet when liquor-lubed haha
This is Lemmy’s dick, fyi
Was just talking about how difficult work is going to make the next three days, so that I can’t wait until they’re over, but that’s another week of my life where I’m wishing for days to pass so I can try to be happy again. Lame. Lame as fuck.
I rememeber leaving Digg.