Lol go to Korea and see all the other consumer facing stuff. LG shampoo if you want.
Lol go to Korea and see all the other consumer facing stuff. LG shampoo if you want.
You can be a dual citizen and be living outside of the US and still vote. You can be an American citizen who has never lived in America and vote. It’s not about permanent residency at all.
Can you explain that one then because I’m really not seeing what you’re saying.
Cups takes some playing with to get right but once you have it setup and saved, the thing should work whenever
I’m not European either. I’m also American. I wasn’t contradicting anything you were saying; I agree with it. I was just trying to add to the discussion by suggesting that if we are going to get universal healthcare right in America, we have to consider a lot more than just free access.
I know someone whose life is made substantially worse because they have a lack of access to healthcare. They live in Europe and can’t get access to the specialized medicine that they need in the timeframe that they need it in. I’m not saying that socialized medicine is bad—I’m actually all for it—but it needs to be implemented well for it to actually work. This is just my anecdotal evidence to say that just because everyone has access doesn’t automatically mean it’s adequate access.
I don’t think this plan supports P2P. You’re still on the free plan with the VPN.
Edit: Looks like I was wrong. I remember needing to switch to a better plan to get the P2P but I guess I was wrong.
Edit 2: There is some inconsistent information on the Proton site regarding what is included in each plan and this seems to be the source of our confusion in this thread.
What do you mean by “apt/pacman”? Which one are you using?
Yeah I bought a Logitech mouse and a little after a year the right click went bad. It would randomly click twice, never stop clicking, or not click at all. I ended up ordering some replacement japanese switches on digikey for like $5, unsoldered the old ones and resoldered the new ones. It’s been close to 10 years now and with the new switches, it’s the best mouse I’ve ever owned. I’m not happy with Logitech but I am happy with my custom mouse
But no p2p on free. Honestly, OP, for this one you may just have to drop some cash on a reputable VPN
Can’t you download those pictures locally? It would be good practice anyway to not rely on Facebook of all places to host your beloved photos indefinitely
Get your head out of the gutter. There is a difference between file and philia, the former being something managed by this program and the latter being Greek for “love”. Further, the phil- prefix/suffix is used in many words which don’t mean what you seem to associate it with. Take philosophy for example—the love of wisdom.
What’s wrong with it?
Jellyfin is also a fork of Emby so there’s some continuity there for OP
I did this or something close to it years ago when running windows server. Was a bit of a hassle, but I got things running ok. Now I’m on Linux server with the same machine and it’s not a problem there.
Linux has been better for my server needs generally anyway, but I’m happy to be reminded of yet another reason to stay off windows
It’s a real shame, a huge problem, and user-configurable metadata sources would solve it
Does cd +
work to go forward after using cd -
Vive* la révolution (français) ou viva la revolución* (espagnol)