Or the Japanese army during WWII.
Or the Japanese army during WWII.
Sure. Just abort. Because it’s not at all traumatizing for his wife to get an abortion… Abortions are so easy on the body.
Pretty sure 3 years is a long enough wait after the surgery lmao. He did get the all clear from his doctor and he hadn’t even met his wife at the time.
Pretty sure 3 years is a long enough wait after the surgery lmao. He did get the all clear from his doctor and he hadn’t even met his wife at the time.
He got his 3 years before he ever met his now wife so he did get the all clear from his doctor to not use barriers to prevent pregnancy.
I’d still recommend a condom, not just for STIs but also because vasectomies are not 100%.
Just ask my brother who got one and his wife is now expecting in December.
I used to go over to my friends and they would feed me. They weren’t much better off than me but they could afford to get some extra ramen and KD.
What is Beeper/Matrix? Although I’m from the golden age of Trillian/MirandaIM 😆
I have. The one time I got COVID, it felt like 40-50C all week plus humidity, I was masking with an N95 the whole time when I was around people, but because I was working an outdoor music festival, 95% of the people I was around wasn’t.
I especially could barely get out of bed, had to use my inhaler about 5-10 times a day cuz it kept triggering asthma attacks, my limbs hurt so fucking much, I was nauseous and light-headed and had insane brain fog. It got better after 2 weeks but I was only really ok for about 4 hours a day and could only be vertical for about 2 or I would get really sick.
I had long COVID for about 2-3 months after that, which included severe brain fog, struggling to breathe, and easily got tired all the time.
I also get COVID-like symptoms when I get the vaccine for 2 weeks all 3 times I got it.
I really wish people would understand that masking is to protect other people by not spreading it to them, not yourself from getting sick.
I got as far as “Gatorade bottles labelled in Mandarin” in the summary to know that it’s shotty journalism lmao