Oh great! Now I have to create a new alt Facebook and gmail account every 18 years? How many more Alt lives do I have to keep creating. This is getting ridiculous!
Oh great! Now I have to create a new alt Facebook and gmail account every 18 years? How many more Alt lives do I have to keep creating. This is getting ridiculous!
deleted by creator
Biden is like dog shit on the bottom of FDR’s shoe. He is weak and pathetic and the only thing he cares about are his corporate donors
Poor Biden can’t do anything, he doesn’t have any power lol….
“My good friends in congress will, well they uh, I mean titwinkle, and corn pop was a bad dude!”
Learning how to say no. Having personal boundaries.
To be fair guardian is British, no?
Will he still get free health care for life as a former congressman if he is expelled?
True, but as long as they aren’t wearing their hoods they are probably the ones most likely to be engaging in the behaviors they so publicly despise.
Is this what people mean when they say they are “big boned”
I feel like would be a great town to fuck in the park at midnight. Just more exciting because you could get a small ticket for it.
There are four elephants one is just standing in front of the other
No way man I used to watch green acres on Nickelodeon they clearly shot a bullet in the ground and then moved to Beverly Hills
Why do I feel like industries that have to self report spills are lying ten fold?
While I do see your point, police have been using and abusing their authority to suppress American’s civil rights and liberties for so long, it’s just about a cliche.
This particular murderer thought he was above the law and the family of George Floyd are getting his justice. I feel like making fun of him for losing his appeal is appropriate here.
It’s beyond mere “relief” to see an officer face accountability. At the very least it is cathartic and makes me question society as a whole because it happens so infrequently.
I don’t feel bad about posting this meme. Sorry if you disagree.
I don’t have to feel somber about a murderer facing justice. I can be happy and celebratory.
My feelings are important too
This doesn’t seem like a good solution to me. Like, even just superglueing the switch on and then covering it with duct tape would seem safer to me.
Clearly the headquarters for international terrorist organization Hamas.
I mean, who doesn’t keep their bullets stored next to an MRI machine.
You should call the non emergency number during the day and ask to speak to a manager and then ask your silly question and see what they say lol
One cool thing about the progressive candidates in office. They had a harder time getting into office than anything lobbyists can throw at them now for the most part. It just makes them even more electable in their districts
The foreign and domestic lobbyists (legal bribers) have a more difficult time reaching candidates in the justice party who refuse corporate pac money
(It’s because all of their small donors are already voting for them, as opposed to some foreigner who can’t vote giving 20 million lol)