Definitely not climate change you reactionary hog.
Definitely not climate change you reactionary hog.
If you like your instance, you can keep it.
I think unfortunately you do need to have a lot of pre-emptory remarks prepared. The key things to cover are to establish your self-awareness and then discuss some of the triggers of your difficult behaviors and how you want others to feel empowered to address them.
This isn’t one-to-one with a cluster b disorder, but I struggle a lot with compulsively making mean comments. With new friends, I have a short speech explaining it, how I share my true thoughts, and encouraging them to directly speak to me if they feel upset or offended. Sadly, it doesn’t work all the time and more people bounce off sooner, but the people who do stay around it has been possible to build more secure and healthy friendships with.
It might be helpful to find a similar process for yourself.
my anxiety is too bad for video games anymore
She is fundamentally not anti-apartheid. She has said that the bombs will keep flowing and that Israel may continue killing children and bombing hospitals at-will. She is a depraved warmonger and you are a disgusting piece of shit for caring about her.
Worker cooperatives prove the important but limited point that while capitalists need workers, workers don’t need capitalists. Most ‘employee-owned’ companies in the US and UK are mainly owned by the highest levels of management with some more buy-in for middle management. It’s typically done with some kind of vesting scheme that keeps junior employees on the hook for years.
These firms still exist firmly within a capitalist context and require workers to become their own exploiters.