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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • Huh really? I haven’t had that issue. But we might be totally different use-cases; If I’m routing, I’m usually in major cities mapping a route via public transit. I quite like OrganicMaps for this, because it’s still quite stable in underground subways when internet is sus.

    edit: To be clear, I haven’t noticed issues when I map for driving either, but I’m admittedly not driving a crazy amount.

  • Yo so question for y’alls: what’s your opinion on using custom domain (for portability) vs masked emails?

    Rn I have my main emails on my personal domain, and then I have masked emails going through [email protected] for more anonymity + segmenting (err i mean just being able to disable a certain address individually) . But watching all this reminded me that if I decided to move away from fastmail, i’m much more locked-in this way. Do y’alls use a custom domain for masked email as well? The one thing I don’t like about that is that it’d be so easy to connect multiple accounts based on domain, so anonymity is probably kinda broken.

  • Fwiw, on my m3 + max ram, I also was recording 1080p 30-ish minute obs videos for a while running large Ableton Live project playback + a facecam, and (while I don’t remember specs specifics) I didn’t find it to be unstable. I don’t do heavy video editing, so I’m not sure about the requirements, but for obs in 1080, it felt fine for me. I think I also exported some edited 4k footage at one point though, and I seem to remember rendering that one took a solid amount of time, so if you think you might move to 4k, pro might be more appropriate.

    But I remember having specs reservations when getting my air, and I have not regretted it at all. Especially when I see my friends lug around their monster of a laptop. Those pro machines are thicc

  • I would say no.

    Honestly, since directly after the dubstep craze era, there has been suuuuuuch good music, because I feel like that’s when electronics became much more mainstream for ALL musicians to play with. Prior and during that time, I think a lot of electronic music was about experimenting with sounds. But during that era I think was when everyday musicians got comfortable with the soundscapes, and started incorporating all their other music knowledge and to make more varied, complex, and interesting stuff.

    The problem is just finding the good music, since it can be so quick for anyone to produce and distribute it. There’s just way too much.