Even if someone worked very diligently to save money, it would take a whole lot to save enough to be able to afford an entire second house.
Even if someone worked very diligently to save money, it would take a whole lot to save enough to be able to afford an entire second house.
The word “imperialism” does not mean what you think that it means.
Fair enough; I appreciate the in-depth take!
I was a nerd, so I tried really really hard to prove logically that my religion was the correct one… and failed.
I see no problem at all with lab-grown meat being the solution, but I would push back a bit on the notion that eating bugs is inherently unpalatable. The truth is that what makes eating bugs unpalatable is our current habits and inclinations think of this as being inherently “icky”, save for certain species that come from the sea. Changing these habits would not only switch us to consuming animal protein with fewer ethical and environmental issues, but also would open us up to new culinary experiences which we are currently depriving ourselves.
Having said that, I have never tried hard to overcome my own habits and inclinations, even though I probably should, so I am not going to judge anyone else for not having done so; the above paragraph is a musing rather than me trying to dictate anything to other people.
I could not agree more that anyone who points out the negative ethical and environmental repercussions of eating meat and suggests that it would be better if we all switched to eating more bugs and/or lab-grown meat instead is really just trying to oppress the poor!
(Just to be clear: I myself find it extremely hard to change my habits so I do not negatively judge anyone else for continuing to eat meat, but I do negatively judge people who derail the entire conversation about the best way to proceed given the reality of problems with eating as much meat as we do by accusing me of having bad intentions.)
No, because the people who really think that this is what is going on are also people who are stubborn about changing anything about their lifestyle, so they will continue to eat meat.
I am sympathetic with the sentiment so I am hardly going to discourage anyone from doing this, but it is not clear who could still be convinced at this point.
“We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights.” - also Schumer, immediately after saying that.
Also, the event you cited happened half a century ago. Does that mean that the conclusions of the medical research community simply never get to be trusted ever again until… something?
One does not have to trust the CDC; there are plenty of other sources one can get information from. To conclude that vaccines cause autism, one actually has to be extremely selective about ones sources. Put another way: the problem is not that people are not trustful enough, but that they are too trustful.
You seem to be very critical of my supposed mocking, but I have not mocked anyone for not trusting the CDC, so perhaps a little less projection is in order.
…therefore vaccines cause autism?
Why would you marry a bad spouse? You should figure that out before you marry them.
So you are saying that everyone has a perfect ability to flawlessly determine whether another person is a good spouse for them or not? That is an impressive feat, especially considering that, by definition, said person cannot be their spouse until they have already married them, making evaluation difficult.
(Of course, a partial solution to this is to live with a potential marriage partner for several years beforehand in order to get a chance to at least do a thorough evaluation, but this is not a solution that “traditionalists” tend to be happy with.)
How about this, what’s the point of marriage? If it can be discarded at a whim, what does it mean in the first place?
Divorce is not that easy or cheap, even when it is no-fault. It is hardly ever something done “at a whim”–outside of places like Vegas where people also tend to get married on a whim, in addition to making other bad life choices.
I mean the problem with this entire discussion is marriage has no standard meaning anymore. Traditionalists think of it as a sacred vow, taking till Death do us part very seriously. Others think of it as some irrelevant social construct and an excuse to have a party.
I doubt that there are nearly as many people in the latter camp as you seem to think that there are, especially given that marriage has legal ramifications, making it nontrivial to get out of even under the best of circumstances (again, unless maybe you got married on a whim in Vegas).
I’m in the camp of it’s forever or it it’s pointless. Life is change. People change. The work that goes into marriage is the work of ensuring you grow together, not grow apart. I wouldn’t marry anyone that didn’t agree.
This presumes that both spouses act in good faith, which will not always be the case. One spouse may not turn out to be as committed as the other spouse in practice in putting in this work, and this is the kind of thing that is not easy to find out until years in, so declaring that “You should figure that out before you marry them.” is both callous and impractical.
In the most extreme case of bad faith, one of the spouses might reveal themselves over time to be an abuser, and this might not even be obvious to the outside world if the abuse is emotional rather than physical so that there are no bruises that can be pointed to for proof. So your proposal that the abused spouse not have the freedom to walk away from the marriage without immediately losing everything to their abuser–unless perhaps they are allowed go through an ugly and painful legal battle to prove that they are being emotionally been abused by their spouse and therefore their spouse is at fault in which case they might be allowed to walk away without losing everything–is incredibly cruel.
In fact, let me be really explicit about what I am getting at here: the real risk, as I see it, is not that you will marry someone else who will divorce you “at a whim”, but that someone else will marry you, after which it will turn out that you are the asshole in that relationship, and, based on the things you have just said in this thread, you will then do everything in your power to trap your spouse in that marriage. This is a big reason why no-fault divorce laws exist: to protect other people from you.
Of course, if you disagree with me and you believe that the real risk is that you will marry someone else who will change their mind and discard you on a whim, and not the scenario I described in the previous paragraph, then I would suggest that “You should figure that out before you marry them.” If you do that successfully, after all, then what do you have to fear?
So you are saying that if you turn out to be such a bad spouse that you make your partner so miserable that they absolutely have to leave the marriage, then you should get to keep everything and they should get nothing?
Historical revisionism at work:
The astroid shot first.
It’s all comes down to money and assets. The way it works in the US is, broadly, they get half of your shit unless you signed a prenup.
That is a weird way of putting it. In a marriage, it is both of your stuff, which is why it is not so unreasonable to divide it equally. Obviously if you have only been married for a day then this is not so just, but I think for this reason that in some localities not everything you own immediately transitions to being co-owned.
This is ironically a callback to old school patriarchal structures where a woman divorcing her husband often did not have any marketable skill sets because they were housewives. The courts saw fit to have the husband continue providing for them until they are self supporting- conceptually.
That is alimony, which is a separate thing that only applies I’m this specific case.
And, as someone in a happy couple, do you want to know what one of the best perks is?
Not having to do anything special on Valentine’s day to prove it.
alimony laws
Are those generally gender-specific?
So… just to be clear, if a woman really did not want to be in a marriage with you, you are saying that you would do everything in your power to force her to stay?
Yeah, let’s throw this poor person a bone already so that they do not have to dig their buried one up.