You can normalize preferred pronouns by declaring them when you introduce yourself. Eg. I’m Barry and my pronouns are he/him. That’s being a good ally.
If you get someone’s pronoun wrong, it’s no big deal as long as you don’t keep pushing it. They can correct you and you should just use their pronoun after. The most important thing is to use the correct pronoun once told.
You can also ask if a person you have just met has preferred pronouns.
Layoffs are unpopular so companies are tightening the belt by making the working conditions less hospitable.
Return to office is designed to have employees leave willingly so they can reduce headcount without making employees feel unsafe about budget cuts.
What they don’t seem to care is top performers are the ones most able to move to another job with better working conditions.
With a trim at the bottom by letting go of low performers and encouraging top performers to leave they are just trending toward mediocrity.