They probably don’t have to worry about out title ix for too much longer…
They probably don’t have to worry about out title ix for too much longer…
I will never give this useless fuck any excuse for the intentional murder he committed.
he can’t properly identify risks.
Give me a fucking break.
Is there an OLED tv on the market now that doesn’t just exist to sell ads?
If Ukraine actually did assassinate Tucker, I’d only support them more.
maybe this is because I’ve never played a Zelda game
Definitely not it. BotW is a great game, but it’s not a Zelda game. That’s my beef with it and TotK.
I’m not sure it’s ever good news when Epic wins.
In high CoL places, rent is routinely much lower than a mortgage— not to even mention the incredible down payment that you have to get the loan in the first place.
As an example, a one bedroom apartment in SF would cost you around $1,000,000 to buy. If you somehow have $200k to get a mortgage, your monthly payment is about $6k. To rent that same apartment, you’d only (lol, only) pay ~$3000-4500.
On top of this, the cost of owning is higher than just your mortgage payment. Your lender will most likely require homeowners insurance which can easily run a few thousand dollars per year (compared to a couple hundred for renters insurance). You also have to pay for the big repairs yourself when as a renter if the heat breaks that’s the landlord’s problem.
This was so hard to watch. He comes off just fully crazy to me.
Is he really delulu enough to think “earth” will not immediately blame him and his terrible leadership for why the company is going under?
It almost sounds like he’s trying to build a case to sue these advertisers—like he’s somehow owed their business, but that’s just as crazy. I just can’t get a hold on wtf is going through his mind here.
RIP Rover :(
I would like to know more about the “irreconcilability between Catholic doctrine and Freemasonry.” As someone who grew up Catholic, this makes me want to investigate joining the masons.
anti Israeli
You lost me here. Civilians do not deserve this bullshit.
I feel like no one actually needs/wants this adapter, but Apple couldn’t just not make one. So it’s probably priced that way because they don’t expect to sell many at all.
The Files app says hello.
I always thought this was super on purpose. Is it not intentional design for “child protection?”