Chocolate, the kung fu movie about the girl with Taskmaster’s ability?
That’s a fun one, haven’t seen it in probably 15 years. I should do a rewatch.
Chocolate, the kung fu movie about the girl with Taskmaster’s ability?
That’s a fun one, haven’t seen it in probably 15 years. I should do a rewatch.
Too bad they can’t just pick up a rando with mental health issues and lie, torture, and starve him in a room until he “confesses”
Gatekeeping amputees as not counting as people with disabilities is actually the hottest take in this whole thread, and not in a good way lmao
That is the ice-coldest of takes lmao
For anyone that didn’t know, Ayn Rand was a welfare queen 💅
Non-engagement is the only rational response to 90% of the Internet.
I’m not even a vegetarian and I’ve heard way more fellow meat eaters fucking constantly bitching about vegans than I’ve ever heard vegans being annoying about it.
Just feels like whiny baby bullshit honestly.
So is the Necronomicon.
Coincidence? Who can say.
Fun fact, if John ever tries to buy enough stock to regain control of the company, everyone else’s stock will automatically divide to water down his shares because fuck John Schnatter