Everyone else is circle jerking about the censorship, meanwhile, I’m wondering how murder, rape, suicide, sex, and lesbians all came up in a bumble chat.
Checked, btw
4chan may be an anime website but not everything there derives from anime. In this case, kino- has been an prefix referring to movies since before 4chan, and probably anime, even existed.
Yeah, it basically means “thing that is novel/bold/stylish enough to not look out of place in an art film”.
“Kino”, from the Greek “kine”(to move), is Internet slang for a motion picture. In particular, it is used to denote works with special artistic merit. The word is also used to describe events and art bearing a cinematic quality either in concept or execution.
Yeah, pretty much. There’s a reason it’s called the Internet Hate Machine.
Why wouldn’t they be? Anons story implies that he’s less attractive than Tom Scott, who’s not exactly a pillar of traditional masculinity. Also it’s 4chan, what do you expect? /tv/ isnt as bad as /pol/ or /b/, but it’s still up there as one of the worst boards on the site.
I mean, why wouldn’t you? Why would an anonymous person on the internet lie for no reason?
[spoiler] Yes, it’s obviously fake. Also, I’m pretty sure Tom is gay, isn’t he? [/spoiler]
To the original post? Find an archive site for /tv/ and search using the post number(top right). Don’t be surprised if you come across some offensive stuff, though.
Nah there’s like 10 people who downvote every post here on sight. I doubt it has anything to do with with my specific post. But maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.
So what kind of South Asian are you exactly? I need to know so I can share the appropriate footage of some poor woman getting fucking lynched for being the wrong religion or whatever.
Seriously, imagine coming from a place where WhatsApp is nearly as lethal as the train system and lecturing others on rules-based society.