Trying to get to New Vegas by going north from Goodsprings:
Trying to get to New Vegas by going north from Goodsprings:
That’s definitely not most of the lecturers though, especially since classes are mostly back to in person
I’m also going to point out that we (US) spend more per person on healthcare than most other countries. There doesn’t need to be a cut to the military to give everyone healthcare, since universal healthcare would probably cost less money
There’s a fan theory (that became my headcanon as soon as I heard it) that the episodes we see are the minority of their cases that are actually supernatural. Most of their cases have mundane explanations so Scully is always skeptical because she’s usually right.
Try microwaving some potatoes. They’re a pretty regular snack for me since it’s some of the lowest effort “cooking” you can do.
Conservatives only care about children before they are born