no wonder they’re so damn busy these days.
no wonder they’re so damn busy these days.
just a reminder, ‘person of the year’ is not a ‘best person’ award.
a person, group, idea, or object that “for better or for worse … has done the most to influence the events of the year”
so the spam filters worked.
always has been.
no wonder american cheese is shit on elsewhere.
i suppose you could go to mcdonalds or bk, order a cheeseburger with extra slices ‘on the side’ or something.
that little star on the address bar was the worst thing they could have added to a browser. i’ve been mashing that thing forever… so many bookmarks never re-visited. thousands and thousands. but there is that time or two every year where i vaguely remember seeing something but can’t remember where, and actually find the page when i search through the ‘all bookmarks’ window.
that ain’t even actual amercian cheese (like burger joints use)… this is the individually-wrapped ‘singles’ garbage.
i think what they mean is that it’s not ‘automatic’. an investigating agency or prosecutors office has to submit a request to pay out the reward money, how much of it, and to which person or persons. then it’s up to agency heads up the chain to approve or not.
and that $1k a month increases with inflation, and then some, and then with executives’ desires for bigger mansions, luxury cars, yachts and exotic vacations, too. what a deal!
can we start at the top of the hill, then have a change of heart as we clean the orange goo out of the mulcher?
“1/5. mcsnitches. don’t eat here if you’re on the lam.”
would be a legit review of that particular restaurant.
at least postponed until donvict can get paid to force the deal through.
wonder what donvict’s ‘efficiency expert’ has to say about that?
probably some bullshit about needing to move seniors on medicare over to for profit ‘advantage’ plans.
the last piece of mail donvict opened himself was probably an allowance check sent by daddy to him while he was busy at upenn being the big stupid on campus.
soon to be on clearance everywhere due to tanking sales.
yes we are. although i ran out of stuff worth selling ages ago.
'shopped art and cover text. the original cover art was the finger, though… just not fingers
nah, they’ll increase in price, but for more of the same reason.
someone of her unique status cannot fly scheduled commercial flights without causing significant disruptions everywhere she travels to and from.
this ain’t news. it’s been known for phht… decades?