I feel like this question is too vague to be answered with any substance. Where do I draw the line in what context? Technology? Dating? Politics? Family? Social media? Food? Etc.
I draw the line at answering unanswerable questions.
I feel like this question is too vague to be answered with any substance. Where do I draw the line in what context? Technology? Dating? Politics? Family? Social media? Food? Etc.
I draw the line at answering unanswerable questions.
100% this. Every website is different, though after doing this kind of thing for long enough, there are often common patterns and frameworks/libraries. Even general obfuscation can be reasonably reverse engineered with enough time and effort.
Source code is like the recipe to create a program. Compiling the source code is like cooking or baking a recipe.
You can look at the end result and attempt to reverse engineer how it was made, and might even be able to produce a copy that is indistinguishable from the original. Without the original recipe/source code, you’ll never know for sure if there is anything missing from your reproduction however.
Open source code is like a recipe that is posted freely online or otherwise openly distributed. Closed source code is like a proprietary recipe that is only known by one company/restaurant.