Have you tried using the Internet in some parts of Germany? We are not going to destroy our last chance for connectivity.
Have you tried using the Internet in some parts of Germany? We are not going to destroy our last chance for connectivity.
It’s just Musk without cool gadgets
Zuck seems to care what Trump wants.
No op, but i use
I still don’t care about cookies
and one of many cookie autodelete extensions
The country was also full of fascists at some point.
The reflection (scattering) of light can be seen on the picture they choose to make their point. Sure, the comment is correct that anything you can see scatters light otherwise you would not see it, but in the picture it is particular obvious where the light source is from the reflection on the rock.
I can probably survive as long as water is available. I assume, heating (gas) will fail, but then the house temperature will only drop slowly and a sleeping bag with some blankets should keep us alive. Food? Tough, I don’t keep much food and most of what i have is refrigerated. But then things don’t spoil instantly. I would first eat what’s in the fridge, then from the freezer, then whatever is kept at room temperature.
I guess two weeks. The real problem is all the other people and no functioning police, fire brigade, ambulance. I don’t grow my own food or hunt, so this will be practical problem, but I’m more afraid of all the other people who are also desperate.
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I’d replace kernel sources with a full Linux distribution (unless this is already part of “essential system files”)
They created a department named after a meme coin.
Thank you for the states. Haaretz seems to the source most foreign media quote.
What? Isn’t Haaretz like the main media outlet in Israel?
So, Russia will stop attacking Ukraine since it has “no right”.
Who du they think they are at war with?
See HiobsTriops excellent answer
It’s not illegal to harvest from your own ground, garden or farm. This is about wild plants picked in the woods. Woods have special regulations.