Doesn’t it make sense to pay back the loan with the highest interest first, regardless of total debt amount?
Doesn’t it make sense to pay back the loan with the highest interest first, regardless of total debt amount?
An example of spending as power being a fallacy is high-quality products that everyone who buys them loves them. Then, to boost profits the company uses a lesser quality metal (like pocket knives, guns, etc.). It is short-sighted, but it may increase profits. If buying exerted power, companies wouldn’t trade out materials that people liked.
Seriously. They didn’t even need to bother with the 23.5 hours. They could have just mega-staffed that one 30-min interval. Hindsight, I guess.
Agreed. I used to agree with a fair amount he had to say, but now I think he was being disagreeable so that he could appear edgy and smart, and it allowed him to talk down to people. I got tired of him a decade ago or more.
Do multiple cameras, but display them all continuously, and then do all the tricks people use to try to make it obvious no editing was done and put them in the foreground and background of all the angles.
Yes, and Bernie in the primary.
It does seem like a happy-go-lucky activity.
Grapes were BOGO. So, I’m rich right now. Who’s up for an orgy?
I’m cool with gay tension and man-on-man sex. It’s not my cuppa, but if you’re into and everyone consents, have at it, I say.
I know the pictured assholes would feel like they were being insulted, though.
I will accept no less than 99.99% of his net worth.
Total douche, but I wouldn’t care how he dressed if he didn’t act like a douche.
I’m in journey mode. So, I only needed 100. Now I have a giant stack!
To determine the size of the metaphor?
I bet they’d make an exception for children. The apes are pretty kind.
But life didn’t hand him demons.
Sure, and they could also be an alien trying to setup volunteers for their games, but both are unlikely.
I don’t let my kids drink from public fountains, either. You know that episode of Parks and Rec where the Pawneans drink from fountains by putting the whole fountain spout in their mouths? I’ve seen that happen. I’ve also seen kids wipes their snot-dripping noses and the touch the spout. I’m glad it’s available, but it’s a last resort.
Maybe we can knock him off of some walls.
¿Por que no los dos? Culnt. When you go along with and believe everything your twat leader says.
They make pills for that.