Yeah the Anglocentrism is super unfortunate. Speaking as an European. Though I don’t really like hanging out on the internet with people from my country though lol
A courtyard of bamboo and late-night snow
a lone lantern a book on the table
if I hadn’t encountered the teaching of no effort
how else could I have gained this life of leisure
Wei Yingwu 韋應物
Yeah the Anglocentrism is super unfortunate. Speaking as an European. Though I don’t really like hanging out on the internet with people from my country though lol
Trust me, I’m trying! But still, it doesn’t cover everything.
Love your nick lol
Yes, fully agreed! Yeah at the moment I need to save money, but working less, like 80% seems like a great thing. If one works 80% then one can rotate the days so every other week is a 4-day weekend. Luckily I have no co-dependants at least
Thanks for the book rec but as I mentioned in other comments, I know that there won’t be a job which I’ll enjoy doing 8 hours a day for the rest of my life. I even enjoy my current job sometimes, but I still rather be without it if it was possible. And I’ve also tried different sectors already… Either way, I’ll check out the book.
Can’t say I have large issues with my job tbh. It’s fine. I sometimes even enjoy it. But yeah, I’d rather not have a job at all if the world was made like that.
Not in my country :)
For sure. I have a steady meditative practice, but still, it takes a long time to change one’s mind and it’s easy to forget…
I don’t really hate my job to be honest. It’s just that, no matter what I’d do for pay, it will never be anything I really want to do. I’d rather spend my spare time pursuing whatever studies, hobbies, exercise or random leisure I really want to do. Capitalizing on your interests doesn’t lead to anything good, at least for me. People always say, “try to find your dream job!” but for some people, there will never be. Because capitalism and 40 hour work weeks are unnatural in itself. But yes, mindfulness and meditation is key, still.
Greek yoghurt with stuff. Because I can. (And am lazy)
A reminder that the people voting for these laws do not understand technology. They don’t get it. Yes, this law sucks, but even if it passes, I’d be really surprised if it was actually enforceable.
Bed at 21-21:30, up 5:30 the latest pretty much everyday. Usually work out or study things I want in the morning. I really love early weekend mornings, such calm!
I mean, 8 hours is more than enough? I’m way younger but always sleep 8 hours more or less. I don’t care about sleeping in and getting up 5 AM is an amazing feeling for me.
Yep. Just hoping that as LCP gains prominence, there’ll be more work to try and DeDRM it. Right now it’s mostly EU that’s pushing it
Didn’t they already have this before but removed it? At least in my country a “lite”-variant was available but they removed it like last year.
Jazz Jackrabbit is awesome
Independent documentaries can be, from my experience, quite hard to find and even purchase. They often have limited screenings, do not get any physical releases or to streaming services, and sometimes end up with licensing issues after some years if they’ve licensed music and sound for example. Maybe PTP has them, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
Actual Budget is amazing!
Very comprehensive, I appreciate it! Leaning towards buying one towards the summer.
Interesting how this is the new normal. I still much prefer a desktop computer.