A courtyard of bamboo and late-night snow

a lone lantern a book on the table

if I hadn’t encountered the teaching of no effort

how else could I have gained this life of leisure

Wei Yingwu 韋應物

  • 23 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2024


  • I don’t really hate my job to be honest. It’s just that, no matter what I’d do for pay, it will never be anything I really want to do. I’d rather spend my spare time pursuing whatever studies, hobbies, exercise or random leisure I really want to do. Capitalizing on your interests doesn’t lead to anything good, at least for me. People always say, “try to find your dream job!” but for some people, there will never be. Because capitalism and 40 hour work weeks are unnatural in itself. But yes, mindfulness and meditation is key, still.