I have a suspicion that a mother who named their daughter Heaven backwards might have agreed with the Republicans up until the time it affected her daughter.
I have a suspicion that a mother who named their daughter Heaven backwards might have agreed with the Republicans up until the time it affected her daughter.
This is super common in most other English speaking countries and has been for years. Well before the culture wars.
Did you have to submit a new picture or did they reuse your old one? Mine is coming due in 6 months.
Being able to use TikTok on your phone doesn’t make you tach savvy. They don’t know anything about how it all works. It’s a false dichotomy.
The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks.
He is a little fucking nuts but the book is fun.
What about “I just don’t want one.” is that not a legitimate line of thought? That was what I based my decision on. I have never understood why the default state was marriage and then have a family. I can tell you that me and my childless wife are family.
Such a slow burn movie, but I really enjoyed it.
If this type of basic science research interests you, in the US there is a federal agency dedicated to this pursuit; the National Science Foundation (www.nsf.gov)
95% of its annual budget goes out the door in the form of research grants to colleges, small businesses and individuals. Most of the research has no immediate application but has lead to some very exciting discoveries. The biggest in the recent past was that orange donut picture of a black hole that was everywhere. ( https://new.nsf.gov/blackholes/how-are-black-holes-studied#eht)
The Cuecat: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CueCat
Came at a time when there weren’t barcodes everywhere and QR codes didn’t exist yet. Companies had to publish Cuecat specific barcodes, it was much easier to just type in the URL by the time you figured out you could use it at all.
The orders: “Don’t get caught”
Why anybody would purposefully get in something recently designed by Boeing is beyond me.
It seems like I will only watch either a 15 min video or a 4 hour one. I just don’t seem to like the very short form video format. It does allow enough time for even a single subject.
With one exception, I’ll watch a lockpicking lawyer at any length.
What odd phrasing for “wins”.
Great information, thank you.
Too bad we can’t root our Alexa equipment and use them.
Thank you so much for your detailed answer. This is going to be something I take a real look at.
Is there good app support for Home Assistant? Like a one stop shop or is it spread over the apps of the various pieces of equipment?
Are you using microphones or is it entirely app based? And if so what microphones are you using?
It backwards because they think it’s clever.