id start a nuclear war for a dorito

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2022

  • Well “intelligence” is a pretty vague term. Different people are good at different things. Intelligence isnt like a CPU clock or whatever where you can give it some general score. One person might be really good with language, and another is really good at math, or another is musically gifted, etc. How do you decide who is more “intelligent” between them? When theyre all amazing at different things? I know a guy who can barely put a sentence together, and struggles to understand what im saying sometimes, but he can take a car apart and put it back together again from memory.

    Now as for if certain mental disabilities have a co-morbidity of trouble with speech im sure they do tho im no expert. Its very common for 1 condition to have a few other conditions that commonly accompany it. You can look up the specific diagnosis you have and check what the co-morbiditys are online.

  • A very small probe that emits an impossible to miss signal at random pretty long intervals and then adjusts its orbit to be very different. It would basically pretend to be various Aliens civilizations trying to contact us. Like every 45 days a new signal from a new part of the sky is picked up and then never repeats and if were just getting tons of messages at once. And since the probe is small and doesnt have a predictable orbit it would be very hard to figure out that its actually a probe and then find it.

    Alternatively. A plane full of snakes.

  • Why would you assume our understanding of physics is accurate? It very clearly isn’t. Thats why we rely on general relativity and quantum mechanics, and dont have a unified theory. Our theories work in most cases but break down in some areas thats pretty well known. No scientist worth their salt would ever claim we have a 100% understanding of physics. Hell not even 90% id wager. We dont know what we dont know. There could be entire fundamental laws and forces we are entirely unaware of, and in fact many people think there are.

  • I dont. I did highschool thats all. Then i got a job. So ill give you my perspective on stuff like this as someone who didnt do any of it.

    I had undiagnosed ADHD in highschool and never did any homework or studied or anything. Only reason i graduated with Ds and Cs is that id basically get a 90-100 on every test or quiz without trying. I hated school. So as soon as i could i got a normal job. Ive worked in retail, warehouses, industrial sectors, etc all in the about 10 years since graduating highschool. Now i work in a more clerical position. Not physically demanding work. Which is nice.

    Honestly as a poor person i see all of this stuff with higher ed, and knowing the right people as… silly? I guess. Its like watching all of you play this big game of theatre pretending to be meritocratic while clearly being fully commited to nepotism. The biggest factor in how much money someone makes is how much money their parents made.

    I think all of you underestimate how many of us poor people dislike you too. Maybe not you in particular but the system you participate in. That manifests itself in the form of chud Trump supporters and neo-nazism a lot. They were created by this economy that has left them behind. So they fell for Trumps lies when he promised to destroy all of you, but i digress.

    Nobody talks about school at the places i work. What matters is if you do a good job. I have no idea what education my coworkers have. Ive never even had to show someone my highschool diploma i didnt even get it cuz i skipped graduation day. So i assume the school threw it away. When applying for a job i type or check a box that i did highschool and thats that. They dont care. They want to know about experience and if ill be good at the job. That’s how it works when your poor.

    As for my future plans as someone without a degree i want to get a cheap sailboat and live off the grid on it. Spending as little money as possible and enjoying nature.(solar for power, fish to supplement food, collect and filter rain for water, etc) Plus once the inevitable happens and theres massive civil unrest i can get outta dodge easier than most.