The same thing: if the focus of the video is on you and the other people are not important, it’s fine. If you film an interaction with another person or otherwise mainly film another persons actions: you get a fine.
The same thing: if the focus of the video is on you and the other people are not important, it’s fine. If you film an interaction with another person or otherwise mainly film another persons actions: you get a fine.
It is perfectly fine that you don’t like the behaviour, but that doesn’t mean the behaviour isn’t valid.
I also think it is strange, but not something detrimental. You subscribe to her account, you get comics and nudes. I don’t see a problem with that, but I can understand if it’s problematic for you due to different surrounding circumstances.
Why would you measure it in carat? XD
And to blow your mind even more: that is the partial recipe for how much we mix in one tub. In total we use 40 kg cabbage.
We divide it then between 6 different parts of the family. And it’s not like it is eaten in one month. Sauerkraut is originally a way to store cabbage over the winter and have something to eat while nothing grows on the fields. We eat the sauerkraut over a period of up to 6 months, so on average its more like 500 g portion per person per week.
Our family recipe, but I don’t remember the exact values especially for the caraway seed, so take it with a pinch of salt ;)
10 kg cabbage, sliced
200 g salt
1 kg carrots, cut into small slices (max 3 mm thick)
1 kg leek, cut into small slices (around 5 mm thick)
20 g caraway seeds
Correct sized stone for your jar, cleaned and cooked in boiling water for sterilization
Cut everything but keep 2 of the outer cabbage leafs per jar, select good looking leafs and just clean them
Mix everything in a big tube/vessel really well, so the salt starts extracting the liquid from the cabbage
Put the mixture into the jars and use your fist to make it compact
Important part 1: there needs to be at least 1 cm of salty liquid above the kraut at the end, if there isn’t just add 10 g salt to 100 ml water and add enough of that solution as necessary
put the two leafs on top of the kraut to push it down and keep all the small bits from flowing around in the salt solution
place the stones (in middle Europe you can buy special ceramics like this for this purpose, but a simple stone of the right size or 2 is enough) on top of the leafs to push them down
close the jar and fill the groove with water
important point 2: the grooves has to be filled with water all the time to stop mold from forming
now place the jar for 2 weeks in a normal heated room. Check the water level in the groove. You will hear air bubbles flowing through the water trap, which tells you that the fermentation is proceeding nicely.
when no air bubbles are forming for a day, fermentation is over and you can eat it and place it in a cold room for better storage.
again: keep checking the water level in the groove
when you take out sauerkraut, always check that the walls above the water level are mostly clean and not to many loose parts are swimming through the salt water. Those are the regions where mold will start forming.
also refill the water level inside with the salt solution if too much evaporate.
always clear the solution with the leafs and put the stones on top and you will enjoy it for a long time (5 months are possible)
you can also freeze fermented sauerkraut to thaw it when needed and stop it from molding
You won’t fit through the bars after eating that fat fish though!
Again, I’m not denying verifiable reality, you are not reading correctly.
The article mentions the sentence in the following paragraphs
Indeed, from the campaign trail in the east Berlin district of Lichtenberg, von Storch told Drop Site that “‘From the river to the sea’ means kill all Jews—I don’t think we should have that free speech, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Dayan had provocatively uttered the phrase, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” on social media in response to an article in November 2023 saying that the slogan should be prosecuted.
-> not illegal, just some idiots calling for it to be illegal
Here, just for you, from me who lives in Germany, where it’s not illegal to say it: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
And I mean it, because what Israel is doing is simply a genocide. But that doesn’t mean you can just change reality to what you think it is.
And honestly, if you read and understood the article, it shouldn’t take much time to search for the terms you know and then copy that into a comment to prove me wrong.
… Because that is exactly what I did with this comment, proving you wrong that the sentence you wrote is in fact not illegal.
Edit: after checking Wikipedia, I have to partially retract my statement about the legality. The ministry of inner affairs ordered Hamas as terrorist organization and the saying as its slogan and forbid it. However, multiple courts have already overturned that decision and stated that the saying is not illegal in itself, only if its meant as direct support for Hamas. So I was wrong, but the Wikipedia article explained it much better than the posted article.
What? I specifically checked the article before I posted the comment. Please quote the part you are talking about.
No, you either didn’t read the article or didn’t understand it. The article doesn’t mention a single instance of what you claim.
The article is about political pressure, as I said, about accusing Israel critics of other crimes and thereby trying to shut them down. But criticizing Israel is not illegal. And that is the same as happened in USA, where protest where shut down and accused of other crimes to stop them.
Really? I can’t remember that anybody got legally punished for criticizing Israel, but I might just not remember it. Can you provide sources for your claim?
And that is not on a criminal level but instead on a political.
It is legally perfectly allowed to critique Israel. So the OP still would be wrong.
And that is not on a criminal level but instead on a political.
It is legally allowed to critique Israel.
Free speech gave the USA Trump.
I rather like that in Germany it’s a crime to deny the Holocaust. The problem is that our politicians are too cowardly to stand up towards Israel and to stupid to realize the problem with the Holocaust isn’t that jews were the main target, but rather that it happened at all.
Ragnarrox did two very interesting video analyzing the themes and topics for each game (1, 2) and McGee himself commented on them that he felt understood.
And I seriously think they did the first game dirty by porting it to consoles. It was designed and programmed with a certain input (keyboard+mouse) in mind, a controller will make the impression of the game much worse for the player.
See it more positive, don’t look at the amount of comments, but rather at the votes:
the 2 highest main comments and most of the high voted main comments are agreeing with the main gist of the post. That there are then people discussing that is a different thing, but a majority of the people watching this post agree that there is a problem and recognize it.
People who feel attacked by it are naturally more interested in answering and sending their own viewpoint out into the ether. But most votes are not agreeing with them. So majority of those here in this post are on the right trajectory, but of course still have to do the walking towards that direction.
That does not seem to be what research shows, but rather your personal experience:
For animated children movies, I found that 80 % male leads are reported for 1990-2020. Source
Couldn’t find data for children movies in general.
And I found for children books that there is still a slight male overrepresentation on average but in general it being around 50 %for the last few years. Source, search for “Fig. 2”
I feel like it’s awfully interesting though that we have ‘parallel discussions’ whenever someone says “hey this specific thing sucks for women.” […] The answer to that isn’t “we need better male role models in movies” (though it would obviously help as well) as it’s dodging the original question.
Yes, perfectly agree with you! I think both are important points and needed to tackle the issue of patriarchy, because if we don’t teach boys to be better, they never will be and grow up to ask “but what about me?” when they read about feministic topics.
And I fully agree, the way the op posted it with “counter point” already send the discussion in the wrong way.
Yes, it’s not a counter point but rather an also important parallel discussion. We need to have higher standards for male role models, or we will continue to have incels fill the space.
I mostly disregarded the gameplay (aka grading of pictures) and just considered it an exploration game: find the locations and also the environmental storytelling bits. And I highly enjoyed it for that.
I sadly was spoiled regarding the story, so I didn’t have that “wait, what exactly is happening here?” Moment. But nonetheless, the atmosphere really fits its name and considering how the real life is going, I sadly predict it’s going to be more and more relevant. But same as you, the last level hit me hard. I consider it good game design, that the game really trained you well, so I immediately understood what I needed to do to end the game. And it kinda felt natural, because it is the only thing left to do at that moment.
I highly recommend it, if you can overlook bad execution as a price for a great idea.
As said, the gameplay itself is not the best, but the environmental storytelling and atmosphere is great!
I’m playing Team Fortress 2 since 2010 and have around 2500 hours. So it’s not hard to reach high numbers if the game is old enough, which some are.