I do, but I’m handicapped.
ETA: I don’t really care if a non-handicapped person uses it.
You have personally upset Zeus, who keeps popping your breakers out of spite.
On cold nights, my oldest cat demands that I make a “bed tent” with my legs so she can sleep under the blankets without being touched.
I’ve fallen asleep in this position more than once.
“all-straight-non-millenial-white-guy fire crews”
Durian smoothies.
More that it is superfluous to the sentence.
“Muppet Christmas Carol” works because Michael Caine treats the Muppets as fellow actors.
“Muppet Treasure Island” works because Tim Curry treats himself as a fellow muppet.
I dust off the VCR just for that version. I am too lazy to digitize it, apparently.
“Stocking stuffers” in my home are there to keep the kids occupied when it’s not their turn to open gifts.
Maybe $25 total in a stocking.
I’m printing Yul ornaments.
This is your life now.
Back in my IT support days, IPX routing had a “Count to Infinity” problem when the number of hops between sites went above 15. We used to joke that this made 16 “Infinity”.
Being nerds at the time, we did napkin math to prove the Shakespearian Monkey Quotient was 256cmy (combined monkey years) for “Hamlet”.
It should have been a flying whale.
My wife’s cat* hated me and I didn’t see her for 9 months. She was an indoor cat.
*(We got two rescue cats the day after we moved into our house. It’s not like I butted into a long relationship.)
Oh, some of them need laughed or yelled at, for certain.
I, however, need continued employment.
Poker face.
No matter what I am thinking internally, it does not show externally. Essential skill for customer service.
A Toyota embedded, like a javelin, 6 feet off the ground in the side of an abandoned building.
They made the first 90° turn of a dog-leg, but missed the second and, with the help of a ditch, launched into the air at the building.
Unless they are all unique, you should be able to make a silicone mold of a remaining piece to duplicate in resin/plaster/etc.
Look up resin casting resources for more how-to (posting from work, so cannot dig them up).