Got it. I’ll be in touch. Online shitposting is the same as a binding contract, right?
Got it. I’ll be in touch. Online shitposting is the same as a binding contract, right?
Can you pay me $100 to not create art? I wasn’t likely to anyway, but this sounds like a decent side gig to get into.
If your country has zero weapons and my country has some weapons, what’s your plan for stopping your country becoming an extension of mine, and your culture, language and history becoming lost forever?
As an Englishman I don’t even know what they are, I’ve only ever heard them mentioned on US television
I’ve been wondering about this for a while, and I’ve come to the conclusion that blackberries are probably the original thing. Brambles grow like weeds all over Europe, I don’t think anyone is cultivating them to be different. Apples definitely have had a human hand in selecting the best apples to start fresh orchards with.
I’m open to correction though.
I was surprised when Dune did it, not sure why they hid it.
You asked for a line, they gave you a line, what more can be asked for?
We used to intentionally add wrong data to our datasets so we could circle it afterwards, declare it “outlying data” and gain the extra points for spotting and documenting it.
I’m not bitter about my formal education, honest…
I have become comfortably numb
Is there mathematical proof for this? It sounds like it could be true, but also sounds like you could actively create a floor which it wasn’t true for
Pretty sure that’s not how captures work. You don’t fail them, you add to the training set. You’re against the masses as to whether they considered it a traffic light when they were shown it.
Sounds quite zen. Might be nice
A horrible thought I heard once and can never get out of my mind:
Our bodies originally had horizontal spines and everything hung down from it. Now we hold our spines vertically, but the internals now all hang wrong.
No idea if true (seems like it’s simplifying eons of evolution), but it makes me very uncomfortable imagining it.
It’s their land. What more should be required to stop people from dumping their crap on it?
By which I mean, not “what would have stopped them?”, as fences, armed guards and tanks may have stopped them.
I mean, “what is the minimum requirement to ensure land isn’t filled with other people’s, or companies, stuff?”
For me, if they want to store stuff on some land, they should make sure they own it first.
Honestly in my younger years I had the time to hunt around for the right streams, rips, subtitle files etc, but it does take time and effort. For the price of a few sandwiches or a handful of coffees I don’t have to spend the time doing that anymore.
What’s annoying is that it’s not a single subscription anymore, it’s 4-5 subscriptions which really adds up over the month.
STAR. For every question try to give a situation, task, action and result which came from you personally. E.g. situation, someone was manually copying data from an online portal every month. As a task, you’re asked to write some code which scrapes an API, and you defined the task via docs and planned tests. Then as an action you worked on it for a few days, and the result was the company didn’t need to manually spend a few days per month doing it, freeing up people to do more exciting things.
It shows you understand the problem and know how to go about solving it in a professional way.
One man controlling access to a sizable percentage of the world’s internet access doesn’t solve much.
It does change the way people think about history though
Steak and ale