Belief in American Exceptionalism runs deep
Belief in American Exceptionalism runs deep
Yes. Since he wasn’t elected and the actions he is taking require actual laws to pass to occur legally
Doesn’t matter what she says. It’s what the actual letter offer says and then how solicitors interpret it.
Except it’s like 7 percent of the budget.
It isn’t a buyout. It’s you still working till September 30th when your resignation occurs
Murphy’s law is about bad things occurring. A cat gin a box of a good thing. Murphy’s Cat should really be about there not being a cat in the box.
Oh no see that’s about prisoners, which is a very deliberately used word, not hostages and we were wanting a fair counterpoint about released hostages. Now just because those people were seized illegally and without a fair trial and used for political purposes plus to inspire fear in the general populace which seems like they would be referred to as hostage, we know they aren’t since the non propaganda news network called them a prisoner and even highlighted their supposed crimes front and center.
I love being able to add little tags next to user names. Added “doesn’t understand systematic racism” to op months ago.
Just pay for it. The glamour is from the price being out of reach for most people.
I don’t hate Tank Girl for what it is but for what it could have been. Like that was the greatest casting imaginable for Tank Girl in any era of film and the soundtrack was magical at the time. It had so much potential but got lost due to budget and film industry input
Whatever the biggest televised event is in the next twenty four hours. I’m going to materialize naked live in air screaming “the end is nigh unless we repent” and then go into a list of ecological and social reforms.
Disagree. When you look at their schedules a lot of work hours are actually like lunch meetings or golf trips or whatever they need to do to justify networking without actual work.
Obviously it’s Vang Vieng
Don’t worry they have plenty of cider to help it go down
The JillStein Bot explaining why Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to be the next president, really not updating their talking points
I mostly just declare my own holidays which I feel entitled to do as a Pope.
Or its tracing the money and influence of different lobbies in America. Just look at the original gerrymandered food pyramid made to accommodate the dairy industry. Or lawsuits against plant based alternatives.
No one hates vegans, but everyone loves to post vegan hate or idiotic “bacon” posts.
I thought it was supposed to have the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor and I am excited for that to return. Wonder woman takes down Cheetah only for her to return later with a new scar and upgrade based on how you beat her last