Stickenborough is not a stick insect, they’re a leaf insect, so would be called Leafenborough
Stickenborough is not a stick insect, they’re a leaf insect, so would be called Leafenborough
Preceding commercial for context:
Have you considered the comment not being serious but highlighting the absurdity of antitrans folks being so incredibly focused on young peoples genitals while decrying others as perverted for wearing clothes that differ from their own?
She didn’t say she was going to be involved in whatever the “next” thing ment. Might have been a heart-felt warning against vigilantes.Also, the “next” thing might well have been “…to get much needed care denied”.
Legally this is so flimsy it’s a waste of time. Looking at wording from politicians there’s way more direct calls to violence which will never be prosecuted. In practice it shows the pull of big corporations with cops, and inconveniences the life of an already inconvenienced person.