Shame the cloudflare VPN wall doesnt let me sign it. It just loops a captcha at me that insta-fails.
Shame the cloudflare VPN wall doesnt let me sign it. It just loops a captcha at me that insta-fails.
The longer time to pay makes sense but the cards I have dont charge me for having them, I know availability of cards may vary though, some people might not have decent card options, I guess it makes sense.
All of the “buy now pay later” or pay in installment schemes/apps popping up, supposedly they are popular but I don’t get it, it is just a worse credit card.
Absolutely this, sedans are virtually dead here in America thanks to CAFE regulations and I staunchly refuse to buy an SUV or pickup, even used, unless I have a need for something bigger, and then Station Wagons and vans will get my attention before pickups, and SUVs will never get my attention.
Especially when you consider my 2000 Town Car (RIP Mercury) got 21MPG city and 30 Highway (on long interstate trips), even though it was only rated for 16 city 23 highway, but somehow a 2025 Ford Explorer only is rated for 18 city/25 highway, only 2 MPG better than a 25 year old car’s official rating on both categories, despite being the same price new, before being adjusted for inflation (both started between $39-40k), 25 years of development for a 2.3L I4 SUV to match a 25 year old 4.6L V8 sedan, our vehicle market is a joke.
Fair, but alot of people are going to wind up on a corporate social media anyways, and if they aren’t willing to jump over to more private options this is a mitigation of the damage and simultaneously is an act of defiance, so while not the best choice, I still regard it as better than, say, anything Meta owns. So I feel this shouldnt be beaten down on so hard, but rather used as a chance to say “Yeah, that is a step, but here are some better options”. Talking down about their choice on a platform they already aren’t on as if it is somehow worse than what is being pushed on them is just screaming into the void.
I understand it perfectly, if american companies harvest their data, their govt is only a step from having it, and companies over here have immediate use of that data.
If the chinese companies have it, the chinese govt has it, and then what? Is china gonna prosecute us internationally with the info? At minimum they are making the US companies and govt crawl to china for the data they so desperately want.
Like, the US gets more use of data on US citizens than China would. Maybe if the concern was improving the security of american apps and data I would see the point, but seeing how many american companies continue to get away with it, it is blatant “America Good, others Bad”
It might be, where I live in the US all microwaves with a power setting ask you to set the power from 1-10 (implied to be percentages/10) with no hint as to the wattage except the label so you have to hunt for it.
Eh, I support places moving time zone but a bigger factor for me is also linguistic, it doesnt make sense for high noon at the place the time zone is defined at to be at 1 in the afternoon, the one thing I think alot of people can agree with is that 12 should be noon or as close as possible and I feel that DST works against this.
I support standard time more, the 12 o clock at the center of the timezone should be noon, not having noon at 1PM, and day lengths are better on average without. DST makes it better, but only for sunset times, it makes the mornings drastically worse and I think employers and schools should just change their hours if they care so much about sunlight when they leave.
Scruffing a cat poisons it into a coma?
But he only said he scruffed them (if I am reading it right), not that he grabbed them by the scruff, is this apparently something that is considered abusive or something? If a cat claws at my leg and I pinch there to make it stop that is absolutely not the same as grabbing them there. I would never actually try lifting them that way.
Because the “the” at the start was dropped
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”
So less “Lion is the king of the jungle” and more “The lion is the king of the jungle”, so I don’t think it is implied to be singular
Right? You can’t even get ear drops that work anymore because all of the ones they stock over the counter are homeopathic where I live.
By my understanding yes, pseudoephedrine was being used for meth so they put it behind the counter and the name brand “Sudafed” made a PE line that was this, phenylephrine, to stay over the counter.
While they dont pay income taxes to the IRS, they do pay customs taxes, federal commodity taxes, and federal payroll taxes (Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment) to the IRS, which sounds alot like federal taxes to me.
It is more for heat treatment of the metal after forming it, or for coatings that require it.
I use bcachefs for my games, I like that it lets me have multiple disks with redundant data copies, plus ssd caching of frequently accessed files, this fs is linux specific for now as far as I know, and is still experimental. I use ext4 for everything else, and FAT32 for flash drives.
I envision it like AT&T’s break-up, where the singular Google is broken up into regional companies that will (hopefully) have to compete with each other.
tbf they are only heavier because they are making them SUVs instead of coupes or sedans and trying to convince people that a 150 mile range isnt long enough for them as if they wont just plug it back in when they get home or as if they actually commute 75 miles each way. God forbid they have to wait for it to charge. Electric vehicles have the potential to be the same weight or lighter but car companies all suck.