Library of Alexandria burning down for the modern era
Library of Alexandria burning down for the modern era
That requires the valuation to drop. A ton of people just go with what they know and are only fuelling it, creatures of habit and convenience and whatnot.
Definitely. They’ve gone for the stick instead of the carrot if they’re looking to juice PSN numbers, and gamers are a notoriously outspoken bunch.
How they thought this would just fly without an uproar after such a great launch is way beyond me.
And it’s a million times better for people trying to troubleshoot.
1 forum post can solve many problems, rather than having to have each person ask in a support chat that’s not searchable.
“Bots!” Musk yelled, as if conjuring them up.
A war against them he declared, but really, he was just building his own army it seems.
The best part was not feeling like I should be doing something else.
I felt like sitting my lazy ass on the couch watching movies and eating popcorn was exactly where I was supposed to be for once.
No shit! Wasn’t aware of this project.
I have a little android emulator handheld, I’m going to mess around with this to see what I can get to run.
How? Human error.
Why? Microsoft is just that kind of company and always has been. Their t’s aren’t crossed and i’s aren’t dotted, and people buy their shit because they’re used to it.
Fuck everyone else, you got yours, right?
Yea what kind of privacy and amenities are provided?
Is this going to introduce “body tracking” similar to oculus hand tracking so it knows where the body is for it to become an AR wank? That’d be a game changer if VR wank.
I really hope all these commercial real estate entities sink into a deep hole.
They’ll try to blame people for not wanting to come into the office, but they need to die, the parasitic clowns they are.
Beautiful! Thanks so much
There are a handful of features that I really like with qbittorrent but there were plugins I can’t find replacements for from Deluge:
I’ve switched back and forth a few times and I run them side by side but let deluge take the reins of most of it because I have it set up to be hands off with the above.
If anyone knows how I can set up qbt the same way that would be great though
“Disney had more or less trained audiences to expect big, hot Pixar content at home,” explained Brandon Katz, an entertainment industry strategist at Parrot Analytics.
I agree with the point but not necessarily the reason why.
Pixar movies used to be “can’t miss”. They were a cut above everything else, and incredibly unique. Now they’re just… Disney Pixar. They’ve watered down so much of what made them great before.
And of course Disney is cutting staff due to lack of box office success without taking an inward look that their imprinting on the company might have something to do with its downfall.
I had a lot of fun with Control but the narrative fell flat for me. It got to the point where I didn’t really care why I was running around and killing things anymore, I was just having fun doing it. Same for Alan Wake 1 for that matter. Was definitely invested in Max Payne 1-3 however.
For a game that made me break my own rules? I have been getting into more difficult games for a while, and Elden Ring was the one that started that a few years back. The deaths less frustrating as I learned not to just swing wildly as actually learn enemy moves and use dodge and parry effectively. After beating Elden Ring, making my way through most of Returnal, Bloodborne, beating a handful of other difficult games and rising to the challenge I was starting to “get it”.
Until Dead Cells. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t translate that same strategy to 2D. I got far but found myself really spinning my tires after a while, then had to use assist after I got stuck, and my prior strategy of “leave it, come back later when you’re less frustrated” didn’t work several times in a row, but I really enjoyed the gameplay. I too had to use the assist mode for this one. It was just too difficult and I couldn’t get my head around it in 2D.
I think I blame my lack of experience with Metroidvanias. I never took to them, and though I played a lot of side scrollers, it’s a different, but similar, set of skills.
They’ve learned forgotten more lessons than they’ll ever remember.
In the last 10 years we still see these behaviours by way of:
This is just three examples off the top of my head, respectively. We could talk about ads in a paid OS, constant nags to please pretty please use their browser, breaking prior software to integrate “new” versions that don’t add any user improvements but do add significant upgrades to telemetry and usage data, and so on.
Microsoft is a wonderful success story that being one of the first, and being parasitic, anti-competitive and anti-consumer, all while failing upwards by having some of the buggiest production releases out there on increasingly bloated software, is all that really counts to Wall Street.
And most of the world is too afraid to split off from it because it’s what they know.
He also mentions in the article that also due to this and their nature they’re very flighty, and have not become return customers, while scaring away regulars.
It’s about the post not about the enjoyment.
I use Homepage for something similar to this