Oh… There is another month until the solstice. It will get worse before it gets better.
My sincerest condolences.
Oh… There is another month until the solstice. It will get worse before it gets better.
My sincerest condolences.
I feel that is the issue with this post to begin with. Is it a shitpost or not? Seems more like a load of hot air to me
It’s a bit like Maslows hierarchy of needs. First we need food and water and plumbing. When we are secure in those needs, society can take the next step. But the basis of security must be there before advancement
Yes! The importance of craftsmen is hard to overstate😀 Along with a few others, of course!
An LLM once explained to me that it didn’t know, it simulated an answer. I found that descriptive.
A flayer shooter with Oz, you say? Well, the lore is there.
Totally unlike the other fielded armies globally at the moment.
No, we need to be able to keep two thoughts in our heads at the same time or we are bound to repeat the mistakes. Terror and oppression is terrible regardless of what the purpetrator and the victim are called.
Just renove the ball and it becomes obvious
A warning and belittlement. “Talk to your client”. The godfather wasn’t addressed.
Five years ago I was astonished that the U.S. navy was looking for renewable fuels thinking it would never pan out. Today I see alternatives which has nothing to do with fossils in the private sector. I see heavy transportation companies trying to find ways to electrify their fleet. I think those “grownups” will find themselves in a new reality despite them not wanting to.
And unfeasible? Three years ago maybe. Today we need to revise the time plans. I’m already working at implementing the goals set for 2030 and have started shifting focus towards the big elephant and the 2045 goals.
As i said, by definition. If there is anything holding such a deity from doing one thing, or the other, it is unable to do all things, thus not omnipotent.
Well, omnipotency is out, I believe. An omnipotent god needs, by definition, be equally able and likely to be exceedingly cruel as wellwilling. The question is, why would such a god hav given Noah the task of building an arc in the first place?
And the question of humanities “free will” is another nail in the coffin. Either humans only have free will for as much as whatever whim the omnipotent god allows for, or of the free will is immutable, then there is one thing the “omnipotent” god can’t do, and thus omnipotence is out…
Po-tay-toes! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew. Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish.
“Leftist”, “centrist” and “conservative”? This is not a the open discussion it is made out to be.
Having said that, those “traditional” values mentioned could easily be replaced with conservative values, especially when compared to the very individual, almost liberal, value of freedom to express oneself it is hard to see anything being “leftist” in the premiss of the discussion. Unless you are so far off the scale to the right that everything looks left…
And before that it was Moo2 and before that civ. First was reading a book till morning, though.
There’s nothing as lovely as sunrise in July, and nothing worse than waking up for it!
If I remember correctly from bio-classes, back in the day, Virus could be either, although not enough to form a complete cell. Granted, it has been almost 30 years since those classes, but the wiki seems to agree.
I can’t come in today, I got a bad case of X… I don’t know, seems like a reason to self isolate already.