Instructions unclear: Went too far and now have neutronium.
Instructions unclear: Went too far and now have neutronium.
My high school used to serve pineapple, ham, and jalapeno pizza. It tasted pretty good.
I mean I have a pair of aquatic sowbugs I’ve been keeping in an empty yogurt cup. They look like regular sowbugs but they’re underwater, hence aquatic sowbug.
Oh he might of gone on living
if he hadn’t made the fatal slip
of denying the claim of the ranger with the big iron on his hiiiipppppp
(yes i know it wasn’t a revolver, unfortunately)
Elite: Dangerous, because every time I tab out of the game to check INARA for the closest outfitting or something there’s about a 30% chance of it crashing and becoming unlaunchable until I restart my computer. Hence writing system names down on paper before launching the game.
I use paper because the game tends to crash when I tab out to figure out where I was supposed to go. And then it won’t launch again until I restart my computer.
My physics professor has us compare our answers to physics problems with a LLM’s output. Somehow, the AI is even worse at physics then I am, it once simplified (4pi2) to 4.
800,000 users…
I need to get into scamming idiots, that sounds incredibly profitable.
“But diamonds are forever!” No they’re not, in fact, they’re actually flammable. *
*in an environment of pure oxygen