I think that’s a stretch
I don’t think that XKCD applies here, browser bookmark features rarely change.
Floorp is fully open source too, they even have documentation for compiling it: https://docs.floorp.app/docs/building/
I keep a bunch of cp images on my computer to do the trick /s
Yeah, ok. Badger badger mushroom mushroom. My spoon is too big, my anus is bleeding. Charlieeee, the magical leoplurodon charlieeee.
Can you explain this?
I’m not micromanage it, that may be a privacy tradeoff i make for convenience. I want to see what I can do without constant maintenance.
Did Obama do anything relating to this?
Oh good idea
But would it not be easy for a user to catch when the app is using the mic or camera when it’s not supposed to? the lights are an iOS feature that can’t be disabled.
You’re absolutely right micro-optimization, I found that I did too much of that in 2022 and 23 and really cut down on that this year, I found that doing so is basically never worth it. I’m not gonna do that with privacy either, I’m focusing on what actions I can take that will make big improvements to my privacy rather than tweak every little thing.
I have UBlock Origin, I assume that one that one is good?
Now I got downvotes in all three productivity communities I posted on: