Band Geeks, by far.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Band Geeks, by far.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Currently eating leftover Bdubs, that tore me up a few days ago. You just can’t beat BOGO boneless thursdays.
Not a mistake but etiquette. I spent some time in Jersey and New York and noticed it was not uncommon for a car in the left turn lane to gun it when the light turned green and impede oncoming traffic. Rarely do I see that in the midwest and when I do I call it as it is, the Jersey Pullout.
I made this account shortly after watching Jackass 4. One of the new guys brings his dad on, this guy served time and did not look like he was one to fuck with. They put his head in a fishbowl with a tarantula and he instantly went into full bitch mode. That man’s name was Dark Shark.
Yes, he said that as one of his major points on his Rogan interview, granted he said that while mocking Biden’s climate policies.
Same, but the Easter egg from the moon map on Black Ops 1. Me and my friend played everyday after school for months. It was one of the first that didn’t require a full squad and it was heavily chance based because of the stupid excavators. Finally got all the dominoes to fall in the right order and we got it done, which resulted in us blowing up the Earth. Mission accomplished I guess.
A few years back my family and I went to my cousins wedding a few states away, we decided on driving rather than flying due to covid airfare prices. So it was my mom, dad, brother, niece, and myself. My brother and I were both in our late twenties at this point in time so it was kinda weirdly nostalgic.
Anyway, on our way back from the wedding, we were driving through the cornfields of Pennsylvania when we noticed a few oddly parked cars on the side of the road. It was near a stop sign so we had plenty of time to figure out what was going on. A guy on a bicycle was hit by a car and laying on his back surrounded by people on the side of the road.
My mom is a nurse so I immediately asked her if we should pull over, she thought about it for a few seconds and said no we are meeting your sister in Cleveland for dinner and we can’t be late. So we kept on driving. A few minutes later, she looks back and realizes how selfish of a decision she just made right in front of my 8 year old niece, so she says we should all pray for the man. Me and my brother just looked at eachother in awe as she proceeds to recite the Hail Mary.
No joke, back in highschool I rear-ended someone waiting in line to get in the school parking lot. The song playing was I Can’t Stop by Flux Pavillion.
Reminds me of an episode of Love, Death, and Robots. The one with the mech farmers on an alien planet.
Deep Rock Galactic. I kept wanting to toss a flare anytime I walked into a dark room.
Very few times since I switched off reddit, have I had an “opens post and sees my exact thought displayed at the top of comments” moments.
This is one of the those times.
There was this one game we occasionally played in elementary that had no name, everyone knew what we were doing that day as soon as we walked into the gym, I’ll just call it islands. The gym teacher would split the class in half and put out 6 wrestling mats. Each team started on their own mats and had to traverse to the second and then the third without touching the ground. The mats were spaced about 50 feet apart and we were given a bunch of random objects like pool noodles, a wheeled dolly, a plunger, a few stepping stone rubber pads, and I’m sure some other stuff I’m not remembering.
The objective was to be the first team to get all members on the third island, if anyone touches the ground you had to go back to the first island. It was mainly a team building exercise but my favorite part was to play the pirate. I would take the dolly and plunger and scoot over to the opposing teams side of the gym and taunt them from my ship as you could not physically interfere with the enemy.
Definitely my favorite game, I still have fond memories of that.
Funny though, I have no stand out memories of an activity I hated.
Making me feel lucky my public elementary, middle, and high school all had rock walls. They spanned the whole length of one side of the gym and were around 10 to 15 feet high so you really only climbed laterally, still a lot of fun.
Update 1.
Talked to my boss and he said dont worry about my upcoming timesheet because he can fill it out for me but he will not do that indefinitely so a new phone is required. He also told me that I can start using the phone bill stipend, which is 40 bucks a month so that almost covers my bill plus a phone payment plan.
I asked about the Yubikey and he told me that in the next policy change we are going to remove usb access on all of our machines to further comply with security demands, so that would defeat the purpose of the 2FA dongle.
Guess I’m getting a new phone. I looked into the lineageOS route and it seems I would have to factory reset my phone anyway and that is probably my biggest problem with getting a new phone anyway so I won’t be attempting that.
Oh they knew my phone was outdated, and so did I based on a direct email to me but I was not made aware of the consequences for non compliance and therefore could not react accordingly. That’s why I am in the spot I’m at, willing to fold but still looking for alternate routes.
Thanks for the advice,
My takeaway is that I should look into a 2FA dongle and offer it up as an alternative. I mentioned in my post that the main IT guy looked into that and said it would not work on most machines, not sure if someone has any insight on that. My company started building custom machines a few years back for the CAD users and everyone ended up getting one eventually. My PC runs windows 11 and is pretty much a gaming computer from 2020, I9 processor, a 2080 super, and some random motherboard. What reason could there be that my computer would not accept one of these dongles?
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I have a mug at work but I prefer to drink coffee out of my thermos, on occasion I’ll fill the mug up with ice and pour some red bull over it. This is exclusively how I drink it for the first few sips. It started as a joke I would do mid conversation with some coworkers and somewhere along the line it just hit me that the first few sips are so much better this way.
Don’t murder me.
Driving at night just sucks.