I tried revolt a year or so ago and it was pretty rough
I tried revolt a year or so ago and it was pretty rough
Junior’s in the pesticides!
Is this like that meme about houseplants and potatoes?
Github - aww, someone called out API too much I guess I’ll just die
Gitlab - I am in a fucking warzone and you don’t see that stopping me.
38 minutes is a normal length TV. I do like the long rants though, about Christmas lights
Shh, don’t let the kids hear you say that
My wife bought it for me as a present once misunderstanding what it was. I looked at those subs once and then never again
I still appreciate the effort, but by far the most useless gift she’s ever given
To be clear, the article calls the salute a hate crime. I’m restating it in my comment since it’s relevant to my question.
So this is Australia, but imagine we did something like this in the USA. A Nazi salute is a form of hate crime against Jewish people, would it also be illegal to use Racial Slurs?
Do crime? But what if I wanted to be President of the United States one day, surely there is some rule about having a criminal record?
Got Damn Lincoln had to go and fuck Up a good thing with DEI freedoms
MVP in Technology. OpenAI just sat around throwing salt to the wind piling up “value” until they can convince people it is worth some obscene amount of money to sell out. Once you give someone a literal milestone and show them the path, boom.
This really really feels like a real life Tortoise and the Hare story. Like real hard, and I don’t feel the least bit bad for the hare.
I eat Cincy chili straight up, multiple times a month. I’m not sure I’d eat a homemade version, not sure why
Special Health Exercise
Looks like the matchmaker from Mulan
Chameleon nips
My biggest issue with Duolingo trying to learn German honestly. Sure I can read a compound word when presented with it, but fucking Duo is like “Cool… now spell it… bitch”
Love Triangle? I’m stuck in a Love Ray.
My definition for myself to be rich is:
I have enough money that I can pay someone(s) yearly wage to manipulate my wealth into enough money to cover their salary and then some.
That could be pretty tricky, look like the fronts fell off
Actual gold, so it actively scratches your device; Apple Support blames you for it.