Why is there mercury in the deluge water? Where is it coming from? It’s not ‘regular water’ somehow?
Why is there mercury in the deluge water? Where is it coming from? It’s not ‘regular water’ somehow?
Ze Germans. No sense of fun.
I would guess weapon/drug trafficking? Airport exec, ATF and the guy likes guns anyway…
Oh yeah I definitely mean kill that.
Instead of all that, just one thing. Start there and everything else will unfold from it: remove private corporate money from politics. All contributions to a politician or political party to be public and capped, per citizen.
I pay for a premium account and I get more value out of it than Netflix or any other streaming service.
What about US oil consumption - production is one thing, but is it displacing imports, or really part of higher consumption?
A youtube premium subscription
In my old condo you didn’t really put the trash bag in the dumpster. The raccoons were waiting on the dumpster and you’d hand the bag to them basically.
Ah, if only he was a flight risk … I’d set the bail low to encourage him … But no
That one’s cooked though?