What does CTRL+SHIFT+M do?
Linux enthusiast, family man and nerd
What does CTRL+SHIFT+M do?
The website says you install it like any other package on your distro. Ofcourse that will only work if it’s packaged for your distribution. KCM modules in general are system packages, so not something you can install on a user-basis, like themes and widgets.
## Easiest way to install and receive update is to use my Personal Package Archive as follows:
### To install from command line
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bstrong-f/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fisysmgr or fsmgr
### To install from Synaptic Package Manager
First add the repository:
Go to System Settings, Driver Manager.
Open the "Other Software tap", click Add.
Enter "deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/bstrong-f/daily/ubuntu noble main"
For later releases change "noble" to the appreciate release name.
Close Software Sources.
Open Synaptic Package Manager.
Enter "fsmgr" in search bar. (you may need to click Reload on main Synaptic dialog.)
Right Click "fsmgr" in list.
Click Mark for: Installation.
Click Apply.
### Suggested additional packages.
To search for samba/cifs shares you will need to have cifs-utils installed.
To search for NFS shares you will need to have nfs-common installed.
To search for network shares you will also need to have avahi-utils installed.
I think my most obscure one is “Homarr”, which as the name suggests is a dashboard designed with the *arr suite in mind, but I use it as a regular dashboard for my regular services.
It’s still a 24% power save. In small numbers it doesn’t look like much, but over the course of a year, it adds up.
I got the N100 version of that one for my homelab. Works really well. But if the idea is to expand to a business at some point, it’s not gonna be powerful enough.