If the miniscule effort of signing up for a platform keeps someone away, they probably wouldn’t be a good community member anyway.
If the miniscule effort of signing up for a platform keeps someone away, they probably wouldn’t be a good community member anyway.
I grew up here, occasionally it was mentioned what we would do in an evacuation at school, it was never weird to me
I wasn’t being sarcastic. I appreciate that my local energy provider is green and stable
God, I love living in a nuclear plant evacuation zone
it’s all cooking
It’s not tongue in cheek. You described veganism as a dietary preference, but it is an ethical belief and practice. Keeping silent in the face of unethical behavior is normally seen as cowardly or, at the least, not a general positive. If you came upon a person kicking a child, you would likely want to intervene, not merely think to yourself that you wouldn’t do the same.
Here’s a short medium post that sums it up decently, quoted for your convenience:
Look through the comments of the latest Facebook post that has aroused the ire of non-vegans and you’re bound to see the following:
‘I don’t care if you’re vegan, just respect my choice not to be vegan.’
‘How come a vegan gets mad if you serve them meat but won’t serve you meat.’
Stop telling other people how to eat!
These reactions to the promotion of veganism and vegan food products would make complete sense if veganism were a dietary preference, akin to trying not to consume sugar or not liking pickles. But veganism is an ethical stance against the commodity status of animals. Following a vegan diet results when you follow this philosophy.
When you understand the vegan philosophy, the idea of respecting someone’s choice to needlessly consume animal products no longer makes sense. Advocating that people stop using animals to the greatest extent possible is the ethical thing to do, and condoning animal use immoral. Serving non-vegan food to a vegan is rude but serving vegan food to a non-vegan is acceptable because, while a vegan has a moral conviction against eating animals, a non-vegan doesn’t believe that eating a meal without animal products is unethical. They’ve likely eaten Oreos or peanut butter on toast many times.
I have the same advice for you as I have for vegans: let people eat what they want to eat, mind your business, and keep your preferences to yourself unless you’re asked.
It seems you fundamentally misunderstand what veganism is
Is he actually confirming the nominees?
Does hexbear run two instances or is that a mistake?
Sobe. I really liked the pink juice that looked like bubblegum cough syrup. It apparently still exists… somewhere. The website is still around. But I haven’t seen any Sobe anywhere in the US for years
Tibet operated under a ruthless feudal system until the PLA came
#4 is like claiming the Union committed genocide against enslaved people in the Confederacy by abolishing slavery
to be fair, the ml stands for Mali
You’re so special and different. Want a rimjob?
i mean, you can eat cannabis
What’s his website?