Maybe 5 or 6 hours total? One hour was just trying to beat thee Wario level over and over.
Maybe 5 or 6 hours total? One hour was just trying to beat thee Wario level over and over.
Yep I have a flashcart. I’ll def give it a look before I start Red version!
Oh it’s night and day. It’s really made me appreciate the DMG library. It has a dot matrix mode that emulates the grid of the OEM screen. I flip back and forth from time to time.
Played yellow when I was younger, never got around to blue or red. Added to the list :)
Parts: Replacement screen+front PCB https://funnyplaying.com/products/dmg-retro-pixel-ips-lcd-kit
Alignment bracket: (the link above came with a bracket even though it said it wouldn’t) https://funnyplaying.com/products/dmg-retro-pixel-ips-lcd-holder
Video tutorial I followed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDmJ1IJG_Zo
Good luck :)
Haha yes definitely not original. I put an IPS screen in it over Christmas. Gave me the push I needed to revisit the GB library on semi-official hardware.
Wasn’t Yoshis Island the sequel to the original Super Mario World on the SNES?
Wait you can use Google Assistant to make calls? I just use it to filter out spam calls without answering.