Keep this Biometric Trojan Horse BS out of my KDE please. Not only is it the only password you can never change if it gets compromised, but I can probably lift your fingerprint from a glass with scotch tape and use it.
Keep this Biometric Trojan Horse BS out of my KDE please. Not only is it the only password you can never change if it gets compromised, but I can probably lift your fingerprint from a glass with scotch tape and use it.
Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
Name a more iconic trio, I’ll wait.
“Just test in prod” - Elongated Muskrat
This is why mAh shouldn’t be used to measure battery capacity
PCIE to ISA adapter
Is the video seriously region blocked in Canada, but not in Russia?
Small note: iTunes doesn’t have DRM anymore (since 2009)
Apple Music (the subscription) has DRM though, but you should never have a collection on a subscription service, because it can go away at any time
Intelligence is the Intel core i3 4th gen
laughs in fediverse
If only this worked in my country(
Hexagons are the worstagons
No, we need at least 2 furlongs