So that’s you’ve been too distracted to post? Naughty 😈
So that’s you’ve been too distracted to post? Naughty 😈
Pretty for sure, a lovely, squeezable pair of handfuls
Ooh well…
how far into the alphabet you’ll start making music
if you’re able to quiet my eloquent wits, or they last all night
whether my B&B (breakfast & backrubs) warrants seconds
we can keep our game of euphemisms & leading questions going
here, there, or one one of your newer posts (great pics btw)
your choice ^(> , o)^
What a temptation :-P if a qtpie like you asked nicely we could find out some other things too…
I’ll bet you can play more than instruments with those hands {^ ^}
Only if you ask nicely 😋
Just long enough for you to start begging 😉
Peekaboo to you too
Some of us even prefer them ;)
Looks perfectly sized to be a handful, lovely
If [email protected] still needs mods I’d be down for helping out!
IMO up & downvotes both have a purpose. Content can be disagreeable without being rule-breaking. I’ve certainly found downvotes a helpful indicator in the past, occasionally highlighting a poor formulation that caused one of my comments to be misunderstood.
A potential middle-ground might be disallowing downvotes on post, but permitting them on comments?
Either way, big thanks to you for hosting the site, and hope the donations situation gets resolved!
Really highlights the best bits, your cute pigtails ;)