How about mundane spelling mistake bans?
How about mundane spelling mistake bans?
Ain’t no arguin with a boot licker who cant answer the question “Did he bring 20 million value to the company”. No. He did not. He did 0 of the work that made the company any money. He was worthless. Worse than worthless, he was an active drain. And then he got drained like he deserved.
Mhm and after paying cost of materials, rent, taxes, electric, waste disposal, maintenance and other operational employees required for the procurement and sale of that widget, is the worker ever paid for the value of that widget minus those things? No, because at the end there is a lil goblin on top sucking the excess profit. Not for the good of the business, not for future savings and preparedness for slower times. Just a guy who said “I make dis salary”. Or in a corporation its a gaggle of goblins. Tell me, what work does jeff bezos do to deserve his salary? what did this united CEO do that earned him his wage that justified what he took from his workers. That money has to come from somewhere and thats part of the excess profit. In short, You missed somethin in your list of things the company has to pay for. The goblin skimming off the top.
Here. Lemme not be pedantic for 5 seconds and im going to ask simple questions and expect simple answers.
A worker works in a widget factory and makes a widget. Turning some raw material into the widget. At the end of the day, is the worker paid the value he produced, meaning minus the raw material cost because obviously.
You seem like the kinda guy to own the art of war. Instead of going in with “this is my enemy and I would like to understand my enemy” you go in as a human with a soul and such.
I hope you can self reflect enough to see what a silly position you argued yourself into. I’ll let you marinate in it.
Hey instead of sitting here arguing with a layman about it, how would you like a book about it?
And crazy enough, it’s free!
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I argue on Lemmy on company time.
Workers produce the thing. They market the thing, they transport the thing and they sell the thing. And then the boss scrapes off the top of that whole process. That’s immoral. The boss should make the money he works for. Not that his money works for via investing. Because money don’t work. The very nature of hiring someone, making them work and paying them less than the value of that work is exploitative and immoral. Anyone who does so is a scumbag.
See here’s the thing. Your trying to bait into a numbers game. I’m telling you the numbers game inherently by its nature underpays it’s workers. There can’t be a billionaire without the workers producing billions that they don’t get back. As for overworked, it’s Elon god damn musk. Famous for overworking his employees, especially his migrant workers who depend on his employment for their visas. Talk about not understanding how money and business works.
Oh and every other murder was random acts of violence? Fuck off with your narrowing of goalposts that didn’t even move them.
Elon musk didn’t build a reusable rocket. The people he underpays and overworks did. Case closed. Thanks for proving the point.
And there’s the major difference. You say “that’s how business and money works” and I say “then it’s immoral and anyone who upholds it is a monster”. Just because that’s how it works doesnt make it right. Nor does it make it justified to participate in it to the degree that you become the oppressor.
You seem like the kinda guy who’d be onboard with monarchy or even fascism if you were born into it. Real go with the flow kinda guy. Like a slug.
I assume a wheel that turns will eventually end up on the other side. Because that’s what wheels do. Just like billionaires. If they were so kind they wouldnt be billionaires. “Oh he gives money to children” and who fucking died and made him king of who gets saved? Who gave him authority to decide who deserves his help and who doesn’t?
Everyone protects their own. That’s the problem. He could instead give that money to his workers like they deserve but he pockets it and dishes it out on personal feelings and vibes. He is a monster. They all are. Like a wheel turns.
You know what I find disgusting? Defending people who by their very nature and existence bleed people dry for every dollar they can. At least I hope your guy gets it quick. You hope I bleed my whole life however. Cruel is what you are.
“by getting other people to do his work he was able to make a lot of money off the back of his daddy’s money”
Biggest brain in the industry here.
I hope your favorite billionaire is next.
Pretending people don’t watch or shouldn’t watch mainstream media doesn’t change what I said. Also, alot of presumptions to assume I don’t have good trustable news sources (not these guys for sure).
Point is, people watch it and they are being fed a juiced up story and worth recognizing that so that you can continue to operate on the same reality as everyone else. At least enough to not be surprised.
Tell that to the police who decided they actually are going to try this time to find the killer. Tell that to the news juicing the story. They care and they will use your money to do something about it.
Oh no an action shooter where the brown people are the heros? Stop the god damn presses.