• 4 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2024


  • Hilarious to see my comment removed.

    Russians need a taste of their own medicine. You have to treat them like they treat others. If they bring up “human rights”, you must let them know that you can see through their ruse and you know they don’t care about human rights and they are lying.

    This is the only way to deal with russians.

    Sure, not every russian is a genocidal imperialist, but when any and all research (quantitative, qualitative, preference falsification adjusted etc.) shows that something between 65% to 85% of russians are genocidal imperialists, you have to approach them in a sober manner. The world doesn’t always work as one wants it to work. White-washing russian genocidal imperialism benefits no one, including the russians themselves.

  • Your are not wrong that the US is more volatile, police often do act out even in routine situations and you will notice a lot of crazy people and degenerate behaviour, but it’s not that big of an issue if you stick to routine tourists activities and areas (or if you are with a local).

    While I unfortunately haven’t been to China, I will speculate that you can get into serious trouble if you go outside of the tourist path and/or you’re not with a local.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am no fan of the US.

    While I’ve generally always defended the US while recognising their weaknesses, I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that the US is not a positive influence globally and their culture is perhaps more flawed than I initially believed.

    That being said, it is ridiculous to position China as being “a better option”. China is a revanchist, genocidal and authoritarian country. I have no interest in being dominated by such a country.

  • The devil is in the details.

    Agreements with the US aren’t really worth much. It’s an oligarch-run proto-fascist state; such regimes tend to be unreliable. And we have the Budapest Memorandum to go by in Ukraine.

    People in Ukraine would probably support this initiative if it meant actual security from the russians. Since Trump rejects Ukrainian membership in NATO (let alone efforts to get to our legal borders), the presence of US troops sounds like a ruse. A few soldiers hanging out in Lviv (far west of the country, close to Poland) aren’t going to be much good against a russian invasion and at any rate, Americans lack the guts to fight russians (not counting a russian invasion of continental US which will never happen).