Primitive is a relative term. As long as we continue to progress, we won’t be primitive for the current time. But, would be considered primitive in the future.
Primitive is a relative term. As long as we continue to progress, we won’t be primitive for the current time. But, would be considered primitive in the future.
Well there wouldn’t be much point to the Great Chinese Firewall if lots of uncontrolled information was flowing in and out through social media.
Well now seems like a very good time to set a precedent
I don’t think you fully grasp how Wikipedia works and how much work is put into it to keep it up to date and accurate. Maybe you should try changing the meaning on that page and see what happens (although I don’t actually condone that kind of behavior).
I could vouch for that specific article, because it words it better than I could. But, it seems you’d rather have a ridiculous argument than have your question answered…
Wikipedia is probably the most trustworthy source around. It can be wrong so you should still verify it if you want to be sure. But, I don’t think there’s another site with a large amount of knowledge that is so consistently accurate.
What you should have learned from school is that you don’t cite it in your papers, because it’s not the original source for anything. But, you definitely should be using it for your research and using its citations to go deeper.
I could understand that. But, with a bit more context from the article (that I should have included), it’s talking about the criminals that are targeting specific individual children to assault them.
When a parent is anxious about the child enough to install a bloody tracking app. The parents is giving the data about the child to the criminals.
That sounds unlikely and more paranoid than the parents who would install those apps… How many criminals are going to data brokers to track their child targets?
I heard about this before and from memory, that’s how this started. People were researching why adult teeth weren’t growing and were looking for what could make them grow.
Yeah, but who decides what’s an official act? I think that ruling was only ever meant to benefit republicans
Not to mention that the founding fathers would hate what has become of American politics…
Reminds me of these guys trying to grow brain cells to play doom
Why would you have 30 days in those months? I’m a fan of having exactly 4 weeks each month (28 days), across 13 months. Then every month is the same. If the 1st is on a Monday, then the 1st of every month will always be a Monday. You just need to add a leap week in every now and again.
Fixing a leaky tap isn’t going to help much during a flood. I don’t know the numbers to be making any kind of judgement call and of course every little bit help. But sometimes a small issue really is so insignificant that fixing it has no noticeable impact in the bigger picture.
Often it can even be a great way for companies to look like their doing something to help and distract from the fact that they’re the ones causing the bigger problem.
I feel for you man. Life is hard sometimes and I often find myself wondering if it’s worth it. Why do we bring new life into this world with a strong chance they’re not going to enjoy it? Especially with the downward trend we seem to be going through.
I think many western societies have lost their community culture and we let so many people fall through the cracks to be forgotten about and really struggle. Which is where I guess you are now.
I wish we did things better, and there was more care to go around for everyone. I wish we didn’t need to be working most of our waking hours primarily for the benefit of a rich minority. I wish we didn’t have to deal with the pointlessness of existence and the many pains we inevitably go through in our lives. But, here we are. There aren’t many good options other than to figure out how to enjoy some of it.
You’ve said you will never love yourself and you don’t want anything other than a female companion and children. I think that’s the depression talking. My suggestion is to talk to someone about it, when you can bring yourself to do so. Preferably a professional, but talk to whoever you can that’s not random strangers on the internet. We don’t really know anything about you so you’re not going to get anything concrete here. I’m hoping this is just one of your steps of reaching out and overcoming this situation.
Discord is great (ignoring privacy concerns) for playing games and chatting with some friends. But, it’s crazy that so many people seem to think it’s good for more public information sharing and support.