Lots of reasons to dislike Google. That is not one of them.
Is it fair? Probably, yeah. But I don’t think it’s an effective way of framing or addressing the problem.
The challenge is always getting enough people to do enough of an action that it makes an impact. It is certainly more effective, in terms of reducing emissions, to target policy interventions at leverage points - like forcing energy companies to adopt renewables by law and banning further fossil fuel extraction.
Personal action can be useful to live in alignment with your values and to provide examples to others for ways to get involved in the climate movement, but we can’t consume our way out of this.
No, I just never feel good after using it
Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s the algorithms, but I do notice a difference in how I feel after spending time on the Lemmy or Mastodon vs Instagram or LinkedIn
Why am I not surprised? In the words of the Wu Tang Clan - “cash rules everything around me”
In grad school, I was talking to an Econ professor and mentioned that I had been reading a paper from another economist. He said that he’d edited a book chapter the other guy had written and found it so incomprehensibly wrong that he didn’t know where to start lol
Phoenix is a testament to man’s hubris.
I hope future generations know that amidst all that is happening, there are those of us who are fighting back, even against terrible odds. There have always been people like that, and I hope there always will be
That’s all really interesting, i need to learn more. I don’t know tons about Carter, but I do know he put solar panels on the White House in the 70s, which is pretty rad. Of course Reagan took them right off, that fucker
If i remember right, he said if he won he would go to places like WV and hold rallies demanding senators help his agenda or he’d back their primary challengers. That’s the kind of guts I’d like to have seen
Excel is definitely not useless! Learning a little Python (especially the pandas package) can go a long way in making data analysis easier though
Now you’re speaking my language!
Every time I’ve asked ChatGPT for help coding, I’ve wound up needing to rewrite it all for myself. LLMs make baffling design decisions (because they are just paraphrasing Stack Overflow, not making actual decisions).
I have found them helpful for turning error messages into more legible explanations of what went wrong, but AI-generated code has not been effective, in my experience
I’m not a power user, so I’m often frustrated by Excel trying to do things I don’t want it to and by its abundance of features that I’ll never use.
And at least at my workplace, a lot of work processes use poorly-designed Excel spreadsheets for critical tasks, because it’s such a simple way to manipulate data.
I also find that when I need to do more complicated data analysis, Excel starts to become limited, and I find Python to be a more powerful and flexible tool.
Sometimes I want something bitter. If I want hot and bitter, I’ll drink coffee. If I want cold and bitter, I’ll have an IPA. I also like dark chocolate. Must just be something about bitterness that I enjoy.
Of all the words in the world, those are certainly some of them
That’s interesting, I never knew that! Makes sense though
I wish I had understood the freedom I really had back then, and used it better