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Joined 13 days ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2025


  • The Avatar episode about No War in Ba Sing Se would fit in as well. Oh, and the opening episodes of the classic Battlestar Galactica - the Cylons attack when the opposition is gathered for a peace conference. We might relate if WW3 starts.

    Battlestar 1978 - Saga of a Star World trailer

    We probably should make a list of stuff for everybody to select and show for their respective libraries.

    *Avatar: The Last Airbender, episode 14, “City of Walls and Secrets”.

    *Babylon 5: seasons 4 and 5 focus on the civil war with Earth. In one of the episodes, Sheriden asks incoming warships about what they are supposed to do when issued illegal orders. We could use a supercut of B5 that is solely concerned with the civil war, since the series is filled with many unrelated plot threads.

    On that note, Mac’s Lore did an episode that summarizes the civil war.

    The Secession of Babylon 5

    *V: An alien invasion, in which the aliens literally wear human skin to make themselves appear normal. Aside from eating mice and things, they institute fascism. The series is all about forming a resistance against them. There is also a reboot of V, but I don’t recall which series got to their conclusion.

  • Fifteen birds in five fir-trees, their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze! But, funny little birds, they had no wings! O what shall we do with the funny little things? Roast 'em alive, or stew them in a pot; fry them, boil them and eat them hot?

    Burn, burn tree and fern! Shrivel and scorch! A fizzling torch To light the night for our delight, Ya hey!

    Bake and toast 'em, fry and roast ’em till beards blaze, and eyes glaze; till hair smells and skins crack, fat melts, and bones black in cinders lie beneath the sky!

    So dwarves shall die, and light the night for our delight, Ya hey! Ya-harri-hey! Ya hoy!

    Fifteen Birds

  • I will put forward a radical suggestion for Progressive candidates in 2028: physically take control of television studios at key points, and make your message. This is because FOX and other mass-media channels are in the pocket of conservatives, so they will try to downplay or outright ignore Progressives, in an attempt to deplatform them among the general public.

    While online social platforms like Bluesky or physical locations like churches would be key for messaging, television is a major mouthpiece of the 1%. It will be important to steal the megaphone on occasion.

    The studios almost certainly will speak only for Trump when not busy with glazing his nethers.

  • Honestly, I would be alright with this if the AI companies paid Github so that the server infrastructure can be upgraded. Having AI that can figure out bugs and error reports could be really useful for our society. For example, your computer rebooting for no apparent reason? The AI can check the diagnostic reports, combine them with online reports, and narrow down the possibilities.

    In the long run, this could also help maintainers as well. If they can have AI for testing programs, the maintainers won’t have to hope for volunteers or rely on paid QA for detecting issues.

    What Github & AI companies should do, is an opt-in program for maintainers. If they allow the AI to officially make reports, Github should offer an reward of some kind to their users. Allocate to each maintainer a number of credits so that they can discuss the report with the AI in realtime, plus $10 bucks for each hour spent on resolving the issue.

    Sadly, I have the feeling that malignant capitalism would demand maintainers to sacrifice their time for nothing but irritation.

  • SabinStargem@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlCommunism in theory vs in practice
    12 days ago

    Money is imaginary. It was invented for the purpose of saving time through pure convenience. Why not go a step further, and sacrifice some profit for the sake of giving everybody some security and agency? What efficiency we lose, we get back in people being able to enjoy the fruits of civilization. Money only has value if people agree that it does, and we should apply that understanding towards redefining the purpose of money: luxuries.

    The elite have hoarded the value of what workers have provided to society, and then consistently throws those same workers under the bus. Your “material conditions”, is just unfettered abuse.

    Also, the system I laid out? It gives political agency to ordinary people, because they can protest and strike without losing their home or starving. This takes away the greatest tool of coercion that capitalism wields against workers. That is way more valuable than raw profit, because people can oppose bad actors in society. Like Schuemer, or Trump himself. Same goes for shitty workplaces - people can genuinely wait for a better job. This will force many bad companies out of business, because people want to be treated humanly.

  • No, cavemen were very egalitarian. This is because back then, you couldn’t hoard much of anything - food spoils quickly, sex requires your partner to like you, and personal possessions were things like tools or the odd bit of clothing. It was when wealth could be preserved, such as livestock, stored grain, jewelry, and eventually coinage, that wealth became an hereditary thing.

    This is why a future economic system has to be designed to prevent the excessive hoarding of wealth. Not too little, nor too much. Humans weren’t evolved to be free of consequence, especially from each other.