Most of them don’t even know what they want. They’re told what to think and simply can’t process anything on their own. Argue with one and you’ll be hard pressed to find an original thought, just regurgitations of what they’ve been told by fox news.
Most of them don’t even know what they want. They’re told what to think and simply can’t process anything on their own. Argue with one and you’ll be hard pressed to find an original thought, just regurgitations of what they’ve been told by fox news.
Hide the cleavage and look again.
Is it just me or does she look like Zuckerburg in a wig?
The bonus is that kind of weather makes us appreciate the warmers days that much more.
It’s all about perspective…Live in Manitoba or Saskatchewan for awhile and virtually everywhere is warm to visit.
(Ok maybe I’m still a little salty about the -40 temps and my pipes freezing three times this winter.)
For sure, I use Libredirect on firefox to open all youtube links in freetube. There isn’t anything worth watching on youtube where I have to be signed in to see. Not worth the privacy loss.
Still less tiring than having to deal with a bunch of ads/other bullshit that google pushes.
As does poop knife. It was originally a reddit post from years ago
Sure, but my fridge is pretty much right beside the stove so it works out nicely for me.
I stick mine to the side of the fridge with old hard drive magnets when not in use.
He probably won’t stop the elections, he’ll just “putinize” them further.
If “good at talking shit” means twisting shit around and crying about it, then yup.
I hope so. P.P isn’t even qualified to work at a car wash.
ICE once bit my sister.
Stellantis, the parent company of Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler, and Ram,
Not just a Jeep thing. at least not for long.
Most people’s taxes are going up, so they can pay more for even less.
Keeping the shock and awe on himself while musk fucks off with wheelbarrows of money in the background?
I mean… The US is getting neutered by trump anyway, might as well lose the dangly bits.
Or in other words, “If you send it to him, he might actually read it.”