• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’ve been using WinBTRFS for quite some time without issues. It seems a lot of people recommend NTFS. But be aware, if you plan on using it for things like games, NTFS will absolutely break at some point. It is not compatible with Proton and will break things like updates for Steam. It always has for me up until very recently. Valve also says the same about using NTFS for games. I’m not sure this can be fixed with the NTFS driver unless they do workarounds like renaming things automatically because some things Proton does are not compatible with the filesystem spec.

  • I don’t use the official app. However if you would like to try out Ice Cubes that would be another fully open-source and free as in beer and speech app which has trending hashtags, trending posts, and suggested users in it’s search tab.

    The algorithms it uses are pretty simple and fully auditable. I think it’s mostly just tags with the most posts in the 24 hours etc. Discovering important news like back in the days on Twitter works the same with this feature.