Well, with NTFS, there isn’t. That’s why I said, BTRFS is definitely the better choice for games. Never had issues with two shared drives in over two years now with WinBTRFS.
I’ve been using WinBTRFS for quite some time without issues. It seems a lot of people recommend NTFS. But be aware, if you plan on using it for things like games, NTFS will absolutely break at some point. It is not compatible with Proton and will break things like updates for Steam. It always has for me up until very recently. Valve also says the same about using NTFS for games. I’m not sure this can be fixed with the NTFS driver unless they do workarounds like renaming things automatically because some things Proton does are not compatible with the filesystem spec.
[email protected] just dropping this here to help growing smaller communities :)
I’d definitely recommend Anki over Quizlet. Among many things it is very versatile, doesn’t cost a subscription, and has a better retention algorithm in my experience. Can’t comment on the rest although Photomath definitely helped me a few times :)
Just leaving this here for everyone! This browser extension saved me a lot of hassle so many times. We need to stop paying where possible and this is the convenient legal way for a lot of papers out there: https://unpaywall.org/
Definitely, she has served me like the absolute beast she is. To this day the card actually deserves very admirable even in modern titles. The next destination might actually be my roommates PC who’se still running a 960 which is pretty lackluster these days with 2 GB of VRAM.
Absolutely it’s been mostly rock solid. I do however plan on switching to Wayland. Since that will now be doable with AMD graphics it might still be a pain with Gnome 42 so depending on my impatience I might not wait till Pop!_OS 24.04.
Pop!_OS atm but hopping in the future is not out of question since this was my first and only distro on this device for a few years now. I just was too lazy so far to try out new things.
Thanks, I think I’ve read something about LACT once but it wasn’t relevant back then. Certainly looks like the tool to use to tune my card :)
That’s fair enough! I can tell you it’s not that difficult but having a nice iDevice suite desktop application would certainly be a big improvement!
Just so you know, libimobiledevice can backup iPhones with their idevicebackup utility. It’s CLI only, so maybe not as easy to get into as iTunes but it has worked pretty well for years on my end.
I know, it kinda sounds crazy, but at the same time it makes sense because after infrastructure the cost for the ISP is minimal. I mean upgrading to 25 Gbps is possible for just 70 bucks, so what can I say. Although my country is comparably small and I do live in the city. So it’s not universally like that.
10 Gbps symmetrical for 40 bucks a month TV included. It’s absolutely mind boggling for me how expensive internet is in North America.
I don’t use the official app. However if you would like to try out Ice Cubes that would be another fully open-source and free as in beer and speech app which has trending hashtags, trending posts, and suggested users in it’s search tab.
The algorithms it uses are pretty simple and fully auditable. I think it’s mostly just tags with the most posts in the 24 hours etc. Discovering important news like back in the days on Twitter works the same with this feature.
What a shame… this was the chance to finally get rid of this cancerous herbicide and now we’re stuck with it for another ten years it seems. If you want more information and / or voice your disagreement there is this petition with more than 2.5 million signatures.
This was a little „write-up“ back when everything became more public.