It is much better. US car brands look like they are stuck in the 90s. Still, I don’t get the preoccupation from the US, almost all cars in Mexico have been from Asia for at least a decade or maybe more. And before that it was all Volkswagen.
It is much better. US car brands look like they are stuck in the 90s. Still, I don’t get the preoccupation from the US, almost all cars in Mexico have been from Asia for at least a decade or maybe more. And before that it was all Volkswagen.
I’m learning Kotlin and Android Studio and for that I’m developing a very simple CRUD App. I used sonet 3.5 and was impressed when it developed the XML file, mainactivity, added internet access permits and wrote the restful API in PHP for XAMPP. It compiled at the first try, but for the life of me I can’t find why the restful API keeps returning a 405 error. And I’m a seasoned programmer in C, C++, phyton and XAMPP! It was, at the same time, impressive and extremely frustrating.
No, but I have seen absolutely impressive Huawei and Xiaomi Android phones.
Yes, Just like those awful iphones they also make.
They didn’t do a bad job. The problem is that they were a bunch of fucking pussies!
Life begins at conception or it doesn’t. There is no IVF without murder if life begins at conception.
If you live in the US probably not.
The real question here is where are the Chinese printers?! I mean, it’s a big market, why aren’t they getting into it?
Because that interview is for investors. He’s looking out for the shares price, not his customers. We can always buy other products, like Canon or Epson. It’s too bad because HP printers are the best, but not enough to let us be robbed like other brands.
Maybe people are just tired of movies about race, sexual preferences and gender plastered everywhere without context and just want to see an interesting story. It used to be like that with movies like toy story, the first couple, and monsters inc.
As always, most of the world is not doing better, but some of it is doing great. I choose to be part of the latter and be an architect of the future regardless of how big or small my contribution will be.
Get ready for a CPU that costs 1/10 of an AMD CPU!
What we need is Blender with a timeline! Blender is fantastic, I really hope someone adds a timeline.
I have designed a lot of things in Blender but after using fusion the dam timeline made me a fusion junkie.
You might have problems with your insulin levels, better check with the doctor.
Please! We can’t predict the weather for tomorrow with enough certainty and you want me to believe that we know how it will behave for the next 250 million years?!
You are wrong about that, if anyone is a prison it is the US, the country with the largest prison population in the world.
Well, I can, at least, choose who will spy on me. It’s either the US or the Chinese, everyone should try and find out which one is the lesser evil in their particular country and position.
The only reason I’m still on windows is because of Microsoft Access.
The silver lining is that sooner or later China will develop their own machines and we will all have 50 bucks Ryzen 9 chips on AliExpress.
I can tell you don’t use AI. It’s frightening how good it is. Edited "good"😂